

Active Member
So my friend and I started growing around the same time, her plants are six feet tall she provides them no nutrients they're outdoors and has them in regular soil and waters them with the hose.

I feed my plants with fox farm nutes and bought special soil for my plants and they aren't even 12 inches tall.......

Any suggestions?

I was thinking about revegging and leaving them outdoors and letting them grow taller, because shiva skunk is one of my faves.... any opinions!?


Active Member
you shouldnt care this much about plants, its hard but number 1 cause for plants inferiority is too much love haha.

are u growing indoor or outdoor


Active Member
you shouldnt care this much about plants, its hard but number 1 cause for plants inferiority is too much love haha.

are u growing indoor or outdoor
I was growing indoor/outdoor when the temps were colder. I would leave it out in the day and bring it in at night.... now I just leave out


Active Member
maybe you dont have a green thumb man.give your plants some time.
Could be.... :(

I guess I can try it on my next grow and see how they do when they are outside the whole time.......

Would they grow any if I reveg?

Thanks for the help btw:peace:

grow space

Well-Known Member
yep-but it takes so much time to re-vegg and you just wasting your time, nutes, and lights.get a new batch of seeds or clones if ya can man.

grow space

Well-Known Member
i have grown to mayor strains outdoor-super skunk and white widow-both did and are doing very well:)
also would recommend early girl-fast flowering and really resistant plant:)


Active Member
i have grown to mayor strains outdoor-super skunk and white widow-both did and are doing very well:)
also would recommend early girl-fast flowering and really resistant plant:)
I'm going to go to the shop and see what they have :)

Hopefully the third time will be a charm!