Internet Security/Safety : Not leaving a footprint


I have had a growing (pun not intended 8)) concern lately ever since I have seriously started researching cultivation. Now that I have ordered most of what I need to begin, I am getting increasingly weary of setting up mainly because: What if the DEA is tracking my purchases, searches queries, or just straight up hacking my pc/sim card? What if they are using my phone to listen in on what I am talking about? If there is a big company out there who is capable of getting this information from people, wouldn't they use it to incriminate and make money?
there does not seem like much you can do when it comes to not leaving a footprint on the internet.
All of those things are technologically possible, but logistically extremely unlikely. It's expensive and time-intensive, and they generally have much more important things to spend those resources on than tracking down people who are growing herb.

But, if you're concerned, get a good VPN and a burner phone.
I have had a growing (pun not intended 8)) concern lately ever since I have seriously started researching cultivation. Now that I have ordered most of what I need to begin, I am getting increasingly weary of setting up mainly because: What if the DEA is tracking my purchases, searches queries, or just straight up hacking my pc/sim card? What if they are using my phone to listen in on what I am talking about? If there is a big company out there who is capable of getting this information from people, wouldn't they use it to incriminate and make money?
there does not seem like much you can do when it comes to not leaving a footprint on the internet.
Use a VPN if you don't want to leave a footprint. It would also be illegal for them to access that kind of info without a warrant.
Aren't they (the alphabet boys) having trouble finding hackers because they all smoke weed?

I firmly believe they won't turn on their own. Think about it.

Hackers need weed to hack. So if they turn in the growers, then they won't have weed, so they can't hack, or smoke, both of which they need to be hackers. So then if they aren't hackers we are free to do as we need. :bigjoint:

Idk I need to go to bed lol

You'll be ok.
People do buy lights to grow other plants like orchids and stuff.
Don't post locations and turn your mother loving gps off if you feel the need to take and post a picture or two.

I'd be more worried bout people in real life.
I wouldn't be to paranoid about it ....there's literally thousands upon thousands of people doing the same thing you are probably just inside your area mentioned above watch the people closest to u in day to day life the most ...there the ones that can cause the most grief for you in the end .....GL
VPN wont help if DEAD and other want you.
Not going to happen, too much resources.
However if your freaked use Tails Linux on Encrypted USB Thumb, BitCoin for purchases or Prepaid Credit to a drop/ good friends or family place.
PGP your documents and 2nd auth everything.
Tails > VPN > RDP > Tor > VPN > RDP > Tor

I have extensive knowledge on internet security.
Do all your clandestine research on the onion router if your concerned about privacy
And if you want different search results than google can show containing more information thats actually accurate. The real wiki resides there along with all the other data google cant index
Everything you see on google is determined by money.and its watched and tracked, every key stroke.
I only visit this site via the onion