Interrupting 12/12?


Well-Known Member
Hey all,what can it do to the plant if the dark cycle is interrupted by going in the room and letting light in or even turning on a small light to see? How serious is this?and will it effect them instantly? Thanks..


Well-Known Member
Hey all,what can it do to the plant if the dark cycle is interrupted by going in the room and letting light in or even turning on a small light to see? How serious is this?and will it effect them instantly? Thanks..
won't effect em at all, I do it all the time


Well-Known Member
Well that's good to no cuz I've always heard that bad things happen like herm..but I am new at this so I really don't growing partner won't leave them alone when lights out.. They are at his house so I don't say much but still like to no what's rite and what's wrong..thanks for reply..


Well-Known Member
Well that's good to no cuz I've always heard that bad things happen like herm..but I am new at this so I really don't growing partner won't leave them alone when lights out.. They are at his house so I don't say much but still like to no what's rite and what's wrong..thanks for reply..
there are other opinions about this but I have been doing it for years and have constant light leaks because I run an all open garden and have only had 2 hermies in the last 5 years, purely genetics IMO


Well-Known Member
Not discounting hogbuds experience, but unless there's a real need, why would you do that? Is 12 hours of light not enough time to do what you have to do inside your grow room? Just wondering......


Well-Known Member
Well I guess cuz lights are on 7pm to 7am because of he goes in mostly during the day while he is up and about.. The grow space is an outside shed and we are in Florida so it gets pretty hot..I told him I didn't think it was a good idea from what I've read..

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
Hey all,what can it do to the plant if the dark cycle is interrupted by going in the room and letting light in or even turning on a small light to see? How serious is this?and will it effect them instantly? Thanks..
I use a 13 watt green CFL bulb when I need to enter the room during the dark hours....somehow the green light doesn't impact them


Well-Known Member
Let me see if I can explain this.....

The hormone that triggers flowering due to the darkness builds up over time. This hormone is not effected by brief periods of darkness interruption during flowering. It takes several 24 hour cycles to revert back to vegetative growth.

However, there is the possibility though of the constant interruption inducing stress on the plant, which may force it's hermaphrodite genetic(if it has one) to come forward and be the dominant gene, thereby ruining your female plant.


Well-Known Member
I use a 13 watt green CFL bulb when I need to enter the room during the dark hours....somehow the green light doesn't impact them
I use a 42 watt 2700K cfl, it is my regular basement light, the one on the veg side is a 6500K

I also did the all blue light 24 hours in flower experiment after Ed Rosenthal mentioned it increased stuff, ran it for several weeks and saw no big improvement so I stopped doing it but please note there were no hermies


Well-Known Member
Hey all,what can it do to the plant if the dark cycle is interrupted by going in the room and letting light in or even turning on a small light to see? How serious is this?and will it effect them instantly? Thanks..
Ive done this and my plants went hermie its all about genetics I reakon some strain will hate it and hermie others wint give a fck


Well-Known Member
I dont do it a lot but yes I go in once and awhile also I have left the timer on manual for 24 hours at a time a couple of times by mistake (stoned lol) and never had a hermie in the last three years. Had one hermie in my indoor grows in my life, touch wood, and it was a Dutch Passion blue berry! Never bought another DP seed!


Active Member
It's all dependent upon the strain, not very much harm should come. I like to think I don't like getting woken up an they probably don't either though. Green light spectrum doesn't interrupt the cycle.


Well-Known Member
It's all dependent upon the strain, not very much harm should come. I like to think I don't like getting woken up an they probably don't either though. Green light spectrum doesn't interrupt the cycle.
Yup I do have a green incandescent bulb as well for lights off work but seem to have misplaced it . I have grown probably 15 - 20 strains so far and not one grew balls. Guess I've been lucky lol. I'm sure that strain has much to do with it and ones prone to hermie tendencies will probably come out with stress. I also when running two rooms get a few light leaks lol. Has anyone actually tested this I wonder?