interveinal problem... (pics)


Active Member
So, this is week 10 of probably a 14 week plant(not sure). There is still vigorous new growth daily. Last week this interveinal discoloration began to appear. First lightening to white then this purplish color. I fed it some calmag bloom yesterday (soil was dry and ready to be watered) Today symtom appears to be consistently getting worse. Should I run a clearex or ph'd water flush even though I watered yesterday? or something else?

Grow specs:

Strain - trainwreck variant from seed
Light - 1000w hps - 12/12
Soil - 3 gal bags - ocean forest, sand, perlite
Nutes - calmag bloom, 3d third eye, hygrozyme, overdrive, bud blood, terra flores, powder carbs, clearex

Thanks everyone...



Active Member
I think we're going to need more pictures! The focus is a little out and the spotted blue background thing may also need to be removed to avoid any confusion as to the exact leaf discoloration details. Seriously ... are you hitting all these nutes at full strength?


Active Member
No, the nutrients listed are what are in my arsenal from start to finish. I do not give all of them to the girls all the time, just when time appropriate and not every watering. For instance, since they are almost done I am only using the hygrozyme and overdrive every other watering (I do run a clearex flush about every 3 weeks). I did however give some bloom this last watering which would have normally been a plain ph'd water(probly a noob mistake but...).

sorry for the blurry pic, heres the plant in question, worse today again sh!t




Active Member
HAHAHAHAHA! Thanks! and thanks again! That picture made my day.

Temps range between 65 to 80(max due to AC unit in room), with %60 max humidity.