Introducing a clone to a grow room


4 plants from bag seed on day 24 from seed, growing nicely, 24hr CFL soil med, too early to sex. Just got a fresh clone an hour ago (early skunk) upon receiving clone he said that he would get rid of the other plants completely because they would cause the female clone to herm up. Is this true??? honestly don't know a damn thing about clones and before research wanted to know if its at least safe to put it in there for a while, within inches of the other plants.

Pic of fresh clone attached



New Member
First thing , that is not a clone it is a seedling and no your other plants can not influence intersexing more commonly known as hemaphrodism . This is mostly influenced by genetics and environment more than anything else .

I would run from the person who is feeding you shit .


Well-Known Member
NO, that is not true and sometimes I dont know where people come up with this shit! The plants genetics are genetics. Being with other plants weather male, female, bag seed or EVEN a herm, will not cause a female plant to change sex.


Well-Known Member
a clone is just a plant, as long as it is sexed female. your all good . also you can mix any plants you want I might have over 10 different strans in 2 different rooms, all female. honestly if I were you throw that clone away. because you know any bud from seeds is much better then from a clone. big difference in strength . you might get that clone to grow and if its over cloned , tomeny cycles. the plant could do a lof of funky shit. they lose there genetics after a wile of mass cloneing. , and the guy you got it off of is an dume fuck . I would grow your seeds big. read how to clone very easy. and keep one of the plants from seeds and cut clones off it when you need the, never get rid of the mother plant. fresh genetics every time nothing but the best. this info is from over 20 years of experience.


I thought it was a seedling too, he says its a clone. Whether its a clone or not is one thing but we can safely say my other plants won't influence the sex of this "clone" and likewise??



Thank you for the info, much appreciated. As long as its safe I may grow the "clone" out of curiosity, I am new to this so experimentation is a lot fun and I have the space.


I'm pretty sure its a clone, it had a ridiculously big stringy root system, no way its a seedling. Just hoping its definitley from a female plant


Active Member
If you are flowering seed plants that are possibly male next to a female clone, there are obviously risks of seeding up your bud. I don't understand why everyones saying it's not an issue. Unless this is all veg, in which case it wouldn't matter. I just don't think the question was meant to be "will a male plant make my other plants male?" but rather "Is it safe to run possible males and females together".

Idk, maybe I'm reading something wrong.


Well-Known Member
Ehhh, my vote says seedling, I'm having a hard time seeing where the two leaves were taken off of the bottom of the clone, plus just its structure in general kind of seems seedling-ish but who knows. Either way, definitely don't take your other plants out. If it is a seedling though, then there's no way to guarantee its female unless the plant it came from was sprayed with the magic "kill the y chromosome" spray.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure its a clone, it had a ridiculously big stringy root system, no way its a seedling. Just hoping its definitley from a female plant
Honestly dude, dont listen to that guy ever again. Look at the plant does that look as though it has been cut from another plant?

You can put it in with your other plants. Keep your eye out for signs of the sex on all four plants espicially the seedling this guy gave you. Could be a fucking tomato plant for all he knows.

I'm not the best grower in the world but would recomend going back over the basics. It helped me no end.

How's the rest of the grow going you enjoying it? Any other questions?


Well-Known Member
Sciεncε;9235540 said:
If you are flowering seed plants that are possibly male next to a female clone, there are obviously risks of seeding up your bud. I don't understand why everyones saying it's not an issue. Unless this is all veg, in which case it wouldn't matter. I just don't think the question was meant to be "will a male plant make my other plants male?" but rather "Is it safe to run possible males and females together".

Idk, maybe I'm reading something wrong.
Good advice dude, I believe his plants are still in veg.

You are working with unknown so all you need to do is veg them out and sex them

A lot of really shit advise in your life. Have you thought about ordering a book or finding actual tutorials?

RIU is a bit mental just now with school being


New Member
I'm pretty sure its a clone, it had a ridiculously big stringy root system, no way its a seedling. Just hoping its definitley from a female plant
I am pretty sure you are lost and confused , it is clear that the plant in the photo is a seedling , the cotyledon ( First pair of leaves ) have been removed and the single blades are first true leaves . Notice as well that there is no alternating of the nodes , this indicates it is a seedling . From across a road I could yell seedling with no doubt in my mind .

Here is what a clone should look like !



Well-Known Member
a clone is a cuttling from another plant, what you have in the pic is a spourtling I call them, a baby due to you have it in a cup, and not even full of soil being day 24 it should be much larger, I would replant into another pot, as far as your question a plant but be showing sex to stress a female plant and turn her hermie, just placing a young plant will do nothing, if you placed a male= SEEDS hope helps some


Well-Known Member
I think its starting to make sense. Dude told you to take all your other plants BC he obviously knows its from a seed. If you keep females in there and it winds up male it'll be obvious. But if its by itself and it turns out male he'll try and act like you fucked up the flowering.