Introducing a clone to a grow room


After consulting RUI I was sold that I was given a seedling instead of a clone (which is good or bad depending on the outcome) Then I transplanted it into a 6" pot, the root system on this thing was as complex or more so than that of my 26 day old 10 inch plant, which I also just transplanted, Does what looks to be at most a 2 week old seedling have that kind of root system? I didn't think so but....anyway after some tlc and a couple days of 24hr lights here's how "it" looks now. Thanks for all the info, most if not all of the good advice I get is from the rui community :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
a clone is just a plant, as long as it is sexed female. your all good . also you can mix any plants you want I might have over 10 different strans in 2 different rooms, all female. honestly if I were you throw that clone away. because you know any bud from seeds is much better then from a clone. big difference in strength . you might get that clone to grow and if its over cloned , tomeny cycles. the plant could do a lof of funky shit. they lose there genetics after a wile of mass cloneing. , and the guy you got it off of is an dume fuck . I would grow your seeds big. read how to clone very easy. and keep one of the plants from seeds and cut clones off it when you need the, never get rid of the mother plant. fresh genetics every time nothing but the best. this info is from over 20 years of experience.
Thats just flat our not true, a clone does not produce inferior quality or quantity. Its a friggin CLONE which means it has the exact same genetics as the mother plant. Pull out that part and the over-cloning part and you are all good :) That said, like everyone else said, the leaves are not right for a clone.