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So when dividing the volts it comes up 3.97999 cobs for the 1400ma driver. Is that enough to run 4 cobs?
Yes If The Picture Loader Worked I Would Show Your Pictures Of Mine :hump: Ok I Didn't See The Dot. I'm Assuming Its 39.7. Yea Well If You Follow The Math The Hlg 240- 1750 Ma Should Run Them About 63 Watts. However The Voltage Overload Protection Kicks In And Limits The Current To 210 Watts Or 52,5 Watts Per Cob. :hump:
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Last stupid I really need the reflectors?
First The Only Stupid Question Is The One Not Asked. Second I Prefer the Kahtod 1825 Silicon Lens However The Majority Of My Lamps Has Reflectors on Them. Some Ppl Don't Like Them However I Do. I Don't Think Your Veg Light Needs Them But I Would Put Them On My Flowering Lamp :hump:
Yes If The Picture Loader Worked I Would Show Your Pictures Of Mine :hump: Ok I Didn't See The Dot. I'm Assuming Its 39.7. Yea Well If You Follow The Math The Hlg 240- 1750 Ma Should Run Them About 63 Watts. However The Voltage Overload Protection Kicks In And Limits The Current To 210 Watts Or 52,5 Watts Per Cob. :hump:
I ment that there is room in the hlg 185h c1400a driver(143 volts) to drive 3.97999 cobs
i can generally get anything so email me and i can look into it, if not no worries, i stock them more for convenience than profit so feel free to shop around