Invaders! What are these little white flies??

I've noticed a few (no more than 3-4) white flies lying on my girl's leaves. they are incredibly small, about 1 mm long and 0.3mm wide. I've upped some pics ofcourse.

They appeared 2 days ago. I inspect the plant thoroughly every day so i'd have noticed them earlier if they were there...

What are they? are they harming my crop??

At the moment, no bad signs on the leaves or anything...

Also ants are starting to gather around and walk the plant... is this serious? i think they came for the sweets from the flowering nutes...




Well-Known Member
I'm not sure, but I think they're thrips. I've personally never dealt with thrips, but I think that's what they are.
I'm not so sure as well these are thrips, though it says there are 5000 types, I still haven't seen (in photos on the net) one that looks like the ones i have...


Well-Known Member
I have 'em. I'm using Azatrol (1tbs/1.5L) after using Safer spray, SM-90 and my fingers to squash the fuckers with no success. Heard nothing but good things about Azatrol, just make sure to use it correctly. I'm expecting them gone within the week

You also want to poor about a half inch layer of sand over your soil, if you're using soil, it supposedly suffocates the larvae under the soil before they hatch and prevents adults from digging down there to lay new ones.

Good luck
I have 'em. I'm using Azatrol (1tbs/1.5L) after using Safer spray, SM-90 and my fingers to squash the fuckers with no success. Heard nothing but good things about Azatrol, just make sure to use it correctly. I'm expecting them gone within the week

You also want to poor about a half inch layer of sand over your soil, if you're using soil, it supposedly suffocates the larvae under the soil before they hatch and prevents adults from digging down there to lay new ones.

Good luck

I think i get it... I just need a good non-toxic repellent... I'll jump over to the nearest shop tomorrow.


P.S. Does anyone know if they are harmful? they could be beneficial no?


Well-Known Member
Neem oil takes time to work but is good. It won't kill the adults but stops the young ones from maturing. You can use end all if they are really out of control. Whatever you use make sure you apart everywhere and repeat the process every 3 to 5 days for at least 2 weeks or they will come back. For the soil try diotomacious earth (maybe wrong spelling) but it is natural just ground up seashells works wonders for things in the soil. I've also used botanigard 22wp very successfully but it is very pricy. Good luck and just stay on top of it. If you get down to one left don't stop or they will come back.
Thanks. I noticed their eggs on the leaves. I just took my sprayer and sprayed the hell out of the plant, i literaly watered it. gonna leave it like this for an hour or two and come back see if there's excess water to remove by shaking the plant. I hope I removed some of them. Stalling them until I get the repellent. I am nearing the end, I've been flowering for a month now and I don't suspect I have more than 2-3 weeks left.


Well-Known Member
those are white flies. do a google image search. you'll see. there are a lot of products you can use to get rid of them, just make sure the pesticide is recommended for edibles. the ants could be a problem...they farm aphids. besides, ants will be living amongst your roots stealing water, and food.
Made a homemade insecticide using soft-soap and water... sprayed the plant crazy... hope it will help pass tonight before buying some real insecticide.
Web sites claim this is extremely effective against soft bodied insects like the whiteflies I have. wish me luck...


Well-Known Member
A hydrogenperoxide mixture should get them. Very safe to use. The botanigard is great for white flies. Not sure if you can use those sticky bug trap things