Invasion of the loudmouths

RWNJ radio sells because whipping bitter and frightened old white dudes into a paranoid frenzy and then giving them a perceived safe space is easy and profitable. There is no similar product that could be sold to the multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-generational left. Truth and facts have a liberal bias. We don't need no stinking 24/7 spin room to feel good about ourselves.
Hmmmm. Sure seems to work for Rachel Maddow and MSNBC...
In light of the internet, I would think that it is the illusion of fairness is impossible. It invariably would come down to some sort of council that would be politically gut-shot to begin with. We must rely on the American people to distinguish fact from fiction. Or enough of them to preclude another Trump. It is our only defense. Tough love.
While I understand the underlying sentiment, I also believe that the American people deserve some semblance of a complete discussion of opposing views, however imperfect.

Let the interwebs provide unalloyed extremism.
Is there anything inside?

I like cream cheese in the middle or if I'm feeling Italian I put chopped mozzarella, chopped tomato, and pesto inside.

I've decided to start using Oxford commas, ya'll gotta deal with it.
Or dingleberries, Stinkydigit.
Hmmmm. Sure seems to work for Rachel Maddow and MSNBC...
Her idiotic Trump Tax Return tease aside, Maddow's show is nothing like the shows hosted by Limbaugh, Hannity, Jones etc., nor is her audience as homogenous as theirs. She also doesn't stoke the fears of her audience that they are besieged and being overtaken by undesirables. She is a liberal with a cable news show. Hannity is a conservative with a cable news show. There, the similarity ends.
Her idiotic Trump Tax Return tease aside, Maddow's show is nothing like the shows hosted by Limbaugh, Hannity, Jones etc., nor is her audience as homogenous as theirs. She also doesn't stoke the fears of her audience that they are besieged and being overtaken by undesirables. She is a liberal with a cable news show. Hannity is a conservative with a cable news show. There, the similarity ends.
Well, there's one more; I'm quite sure that the corner office sets the lanes she has to stay in.
Well, there's one more; I'm quite sure that the corner office sets the lanes she has to stay in.
How does the sexpot and the scientologist they just hired fit in with the corner office? Maddow is who she is. I'm quite sure those lanes are hers.
Keeping sniffing, Stinkydigit.
Can you not move on?

I'll let Sanders fade into Ron Paul-obscurity and say no more about it.

Best of luck in your new party, I honestly hope you succeed (despite thinking you won't).

Were talking chicken here, God dammit!
Can you not move on?

I'll let Sanders fade into Ron Paul-obscurity and say no more about it.

Best of luck in your new party, I honestly hope you succeed (despite thinking you won't).

Were talking chicken here, God dammit!
This might be the most thoughtful thing I've seen you write.

Just my only advice is to try reach out to other Democrats rather than follow a "get the fuck out" policy.
Frankly, the attempt to work with the establishment Democratic party has gotten us where we are today.

I think a good swift kick in the voting bloc will be the only thing that will get them to pay attention to their constituents instead of their wallets.