Invincible plant??


Active Member
So i had been using Miracle Grow Tomato Plant Food (20-20-20) at its recommended dosage and had no problem with nute burn and my plant was thriving...

then i decided i would up the dosage until i nute burned my plant and then i would work my way down from that dosage until i found a good balance.

so i started with 1.5 times the dosage(for an indoor plant) stated on the box and.... no nute burn. so i tried 2 times the amount and .. no nute burn.

so i switched to flowering(after 1 month veg) and continued to up the dosage. so i put twice the amount of MG recomennded for an Outdoor plant and again no nute burn.(it got HUGE when i started giving larger doses of nute, i might add)

i am scared to give it anymore nutes, but at the same time it doesnt seem to mind however much i throw at it.

has anyone had a plant like this because i feel like i have a plant that refuses to get burnt(which is fine with me), but i thought it was easy to nute burn MJ? and also do you think it would be fine it i kept upping the dosage or should i stop?(i am currently giving it 2.5 tbls per quart!! and it seems to love it)

I am grow under approx. 200 watts of cfl with dank bagseed if that helps and i lst'd heavily as u can see.



Active Member
The leaves are a very dark green, which can indicate excess nitrogen, but the leaves themselves look healthy so if it was my plant I would try to find the upper threshold. Some strains love heavy nutes, others start breaking down with partial doses. If the plant takes that much without effect, the bud should turn out pretty good too. Hope you took a clone or two.


Active Member
yep i got 2 clones of her that im gonna keep alive

yea the leaves are dark green but i thought that was supposed to be good?