IPM types of questions, in general

Recently acquired a vested interest in a rec grow, I am also doing all the gardening for a salary...

I inherited some (very sad) vegetative plants that should have been flipped two weeks (at least) prior to my arrival. Its a brand new building, new build, and this will be the first crop on the license. The plant inventory I inherited is from clone. I despise clones for all the reasons they are and should be despised lol...

Long story short: growing this many (400+) plants from clone has been an impetus for me to devise a more clear IPM program than I have ever needed to before. 20 years of organic dirt farming, a little hydro, and I have never had PM (never used a single clone, either). I have experienced PM on close associates of mine's grows and in a consultation faculty (and I usually counseled they send it to the extractors and start fresh). I have 200 Rude Boi on day 20 of flower with PM. Mind you, not all 200 exhibit PM (maybe 20 total did), but since the other two strains in the room have shown no PM, I can safely assume its in the Rude Boi. I have taken all the corrective actions I can. RH peaks in the low 50's occasionally, but stays mostly 39-45%, and was always the case. But temp has been adjusted from 75 to 81. Air exchange is sufficient. Potassium carbonate+castile soap spray. Regalia in reservoir (rockwool substrate). I interface heavily with the plants, so I caught PM immediately and I am confident I can manage it. Plus, there is a financial impulsion to do so. So...I have been cramming on fungicide technology this past couple weeks and I have a few questions that I can't easily google re: mostly fungicidals.

1. does citric acid act systemically or translaminarly or neither? usage specs?

2. what are the usage specifications for lactobaccilus acidophilus in cannabis cultivation? foliar? reservoir?

3. anyone with actual firsthand (not anecdotal) experience using UV light to eradicate pathogens in a grow?

4. (not fungicidal) is KOH too dangerous to handle for pH adjustments? (I keep seeing that scene from Fight Club in my head). I am watering high ppms and looking to find a better pH adjust than the over the counter solutions. Tried potassium carbonate, very effective, not as cheap as I want it to be.

thanks in advance for any input. cheers!
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Here's my undercarriage from day before yesterday, so leggy lol they were already 12 weeks when I flipped em.

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Well-Known Member
4. (not fungicidal) is KOH too dangerous to handle for pH adjustments?
IMO no, it will be pellets so it's hard to get everywhere. You can pick the pellets up with your fingers if you drop one or two, they will stick but at worst you will get white spots on your fingers (for a few hours) and holes in your clothes. Make a concentrated stock solution from the pellets and use that for added safety.

Also potassium carbonate can't be that expensive.. you can also stick potassium bicarb. in the oven because it's widely used and should be available in bulk for cheap.