IR cameras!! what a joke

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Well-Known Member
have you ever used a IR camera? i think if you have you would beg to differ!
not tring to ber a dick, but infrared cameras measure ir light not heat! i know the two have alot to do with each other but a ir camera is what it is. a infrared camera. i have seen glass "regular glass" block ir light first hand.
Yes ive used this technology in person for decades now,my company was the first construction company in my state to offer such services & ive been trained in the application of Thermagraphy, both in residential & commercial building applications,ive also spent countless hours behind the veiw screen of several type scanners.

Your seriously confused here,the main goal of any type thermal scan that law enforcement uses is to detect heat loss through heat transfer.


Well-Known Member
well it pisses me off when people tell me i dont know what im talking about! all you guys can tell me im wrong but noine of you can tell me why! so it seems that most of you dontr know what your talking about! i wad just putting an idea out there that i thought could be usefull toi some! even if i only help one person then i happy but people like the ones on this thread telling me i dont know, there the knid off people that make this site less productive and more misinformed!!!


Well-Known Member
this is a qustion for panhead since he seems like he knows what hes talkin about!
what do you think about using ir to strengthen stems and stalks i have heard that it can


Well-Known Member
what i am saying for example, say your grow room is in the basement and you are worried about ir light(which im not!!!! just tring to help those who are!!!!)
Yes chill young grasshopper.

You've completely missed your mark on this one & no amount of stomping your feet & swearing is going to change it.

LEO is not looking for light they are looking for heat,two entirely different applications,you need to do some more research into all the applcations & uses of Thermography,no matter what you did in the military you are 100% off your mark on this.

I see no need to continue this further,all the info you need to understand which applications of thermal technology LEO uses to detect grow ops is at your disposal,google is your friend.


Well-Known Member
Yes chill young grasshopper.

You've completely missed your mark on this one & no amount of stomping your feet & swearing is going to change it.

LEO is not looking for light they are looking for heat,two entirely different applications,you need to do some more research into all the applcations & uses of Thermography,no matter what you did in the military you are 100% off your mark on this.

I see no need to continue this further,all the info you need to understand which applications of thermal technology LEO uses to detect grow ops is at your disposal,google is your friend.
so you know but refuse to help him? or you just don't know?

ugliest thread of the day, from all angles.

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