Iran says state-linked sites seized by US, reasons unclear

We all know who controls MSM … zero credibility… anything that goes against the narrative is axed… you have an obvious bias towards disliking Iran… did the Western Media ever teach u about how Iran and Russia saved the entire Middle East from Western backed and created ISIS? Meanwhile the U.S is still in Syria siphoning all the Oil up… can’t make this stuff up bro
citation required
I'd point out that we don't really even know what 'MSM' means, much less who would control it.

These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America
Ashley Lutz
Jun 14, 2012, 6:49 AM

This infographic created by Jason at Frugal Dad shows that almost all media comes from the same six sources.

That's consolidated from 50 companies back in 1983.

NOTE: This infographic is from last year and is missing some key transactions. GE does not own NBC (or Comcast or any media) anymore. So that 6th company is now Comcast. And Time Warner doesn't own AOL, so Huffington Post isn't affiliated with them.

But the fact that a few companies own everything demonstrates "the illusion of choice," Frugal Dad says. While some big sites, like Digg and Reddit aren't owned by any of the corporations, Time Warner owns news sites read by millions of Americans every year.

Here's the graphic:
Logic fail.

There are such a things as objective facts and Press TV have little to do with that.

Press TV


  • Overall, we rate Press TV Questionable based on the promotion of Iranian Propaganda and Conspiracies related to the West and poor sourcing and the publication of fake news.
So, yeah, the large media companies are owned by rich people. Duh

That does not mean they are as untrustworthy as media outlets that are not hinged in reality like Press TV. That's a crap site.
MSM best name it was ever given… Fake News
I wonder what tribe controls the website calling PressTV the bad guys …. Always the same people

Posted at 10:15h in Project 21, Raising the Barr by David Almasi

Those who complained that CNN went too far when it fired Marc Lamont Hill last year have received their comeuppance.

Hill’s contract as a political commentator was terminated in November after he made anti-Zionist comments during a United Nations-sponsored event. At the end of his presentation, during which he also echoed the goals of the radical boycott-divestment-sanctions movement, Hill – a professor at Temple University – used the terrorist tagline of “free Palestine from the river to the sea.”

But people who called Hill’s firing “rash” at the time must now reconcile his latest outburst. In retrospect, CNN’s move was fortuitous – protecting itself from the potential backlash over Hill’s continued controversial and offensive positions. It’s something Temple now essentially owns, since Hill is a tenured member of the faculty.

This is yet another example of the establishment needing to “raise the Barr” by holding liberals in the public eye to the same standards that Roseanne Barr was held to when she made statements that were beyond the pale.

At the annual Netroots Nation conference, Hill was part of a panel making suggestions for “embedding Palestinian rights in the 2020 agenda.” During the discussion, and despite his assertion otherwise, Hill pushed a conspiracy theory that major media organizations are “Zionist organizations.” He said:
They’re like, I want to work for Fox, or I want to work for ABC or NBC or whoever. I want to tell these stories. You have to make choices about where you want to work. And if you work for a Zionist organization, you’re going to get Zionist content. And no matter how vigorous you are in the newsroom, there are going to be two, three, four, 17 or maybe one powerful person – not going to suggest a conspiracy – all news outlets have a point of a view. And if your point of view competes with the point of view of the institution, you’re going to have challenges.
As far as being tools of Zionism, NBC, ABC and even Fox News have plenty to answer for when it comes to favoring the Palestinian cause in their poor reporting on Israel-Palestine relations. But Hill made a sweeping generalization. We should expect better from an academic.
member Marie Fischer says:
Hearing statements coming from the progressive activists at the recent Netroots Nation summit makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time.
I read how Marc Lamont Hill referred to the news media as being Zionist organizations. He included Fox, ABC and NBC in this accusation. For those who do not know, when people use Zionist in this term it has always been a dog whistle for Jewish, and we know anti-Semites have always talked about how Jews control the media.
Of course, Mr. Hill will not say “Jewish media,” because doing so would completely shut down his argument to his audience and firmly place him in the same category as a white supremacist. However, we all know where Mr. Hill stands. If you recall last year, at an appearance at the United Nations, Mr. Hill stated, “free Palestine from the river to the sea.” One can only interpret that as eliminating the state of Israel as well as all of its inhabitants.
First, let us have the proper definition of Zionist and Zionism. According to the Oxford dictionary, Zionism is “[a] movement for the re-establishment and the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.” A Zionist is “a person who believes in the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.” So is Mr. Hill stating those in the media are pro-Israel and anti-Palestinian? I find that ironic since his former employer, CNN, has been cited many times as being anti-Israel. Two decades ago, we had bumper stickers in the religious Jewish community that stated “CNN Lies” due to its very biased coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts. Thus, those of us in the Jewish community knew long before the average conservative.
I have also read where some have said anti-Zionism is the rejection of racism, and Mr. Hill fanned those flames when he also stated Israel was engaged in a “white supremacist” project. I would like to know how being for the protection of a Jewish nation is racism. I am wondering if Mr. Hill or any of his audience have been to Israel outside of tourist spots. If you saw the makeup of the citizens of Israel, you would see one of the more diverse populations in the world and the most diverse in the Middle East. In addition, if Israel is so racist, why would it rescue thousands of Ethiopians of Jewish descent in Africa from devastating famines and war via the decades-long Operation Solomon? If Israel is so racist, why did it also bring in thousands of people of Jewish descent from India via Operation Menashe?
People do not realize – or maybe they do – that when you speak of anti-Zionism, you are speaking against Israel and its people. Israel is 75% Jewish. You are speaking against a right for Israel to exist, and you are speaking against a safe haven for my children and myself if it ever comes to that point.
Those on the left always speak of wanting safe spaces. To me, Israel will always be my safe space.
What I want to know is how does ozwizzle know what's going on in syria. Is he there? Can he see what's actually going on? He calls everyone else liars and yet he knows everything that's going on all over the world.

If u choose to do your own research outside of the narrative your being spoon fed…you’ll overtime see the clear picture of what’s really going on… Russia and Iran saved millions of people from ISIS… just remember who was accused of selling organs on the open black market during this time also…
So your telling me that people who produce things for TV and Movies is a relatively small group, a lot of resources that most people don't have to be able to spend that kind of money, so I can buy that. And sinclair broadcasting and Fox have shown how bad actors can use these powerful megaphones to spread lies and propaganda, so I get the dangers of this too.

But what does 'MSM' mean to you? Billions of Crayola crayons are bought every year, and they are media, does that mean that they are 'mainstream media'?

Are people posting on those forums on the news corporations 'media', how do you distinguish between factual reporting and opinion, are you also counting things like Trump political trolls going on TV and flat out lying to the American public a lie on 'MSM' and if so do you put that at the fault of the television company that is being used by these political hacks?

If u choose to do your own research outside of the narrative your being spoon fed…you’ll overtime see the clear picture of what’s really going on… Russia and Iran saved millions of people from ISIS… just remember who was accused of selling organs on the open black market during this time also…
'Accused' by paid militarized foreign trolls spreading bullshit narratives about random horrible shit that may or may not have happened?
It's a transference of responsibility. The alcohol took over, Trump told us to, it was in the bible, the music/game made me do it, the gun had its own inherent evil energy, the government takes my money without permission so I'm not actually funding any atrocities myself, aaaaaand of course because the MSM told me there were pedo's in the pizza parlor. It's the same technique for who knows how many hundreds of years, to manufacture a boogeyman to allow us to escape the pain of recognizing our responsibility and complacency.
If you have to cite places like that in order to make your point then perhaps the point you are trying to make is not valid.
National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR)


Notes: The National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR), founded in 1982, is a self-described conservative think tank in the United States. Its founding CEO is Amy Ridenour, who serves as chairwoman. NCPPR’s work is in the areas of free markets, environmental and regulatory policy, retirement security, constitutional law, the First and Second Amendments, religious liberty, academic freedom, defense, and foreign affairs. NCPPR denies that a scientific consensus exists on the role of humans in global warming and question the credibility of scientists that have publicly defended the science on global warming. Overall, NCPPR has a 100% right-wing political affiliation through policy issues and reporting. They are mixed for factual reporting based on not aligning with the consensus of science. (D. Van Zandt 7/31/2017)
It's a transference of responsibility. The alcohol took over, Trump told us to, it was in the bible, the music/game made me do it, the gun had its own inherent evil energy, the government takes my money without permission so I'm not actually funding any atrocities myself, aaaaaand of course because the MSM told me there were pedo's in the pizza parlor. It's the same technique for who knows how many hundreds of years, to manufacture a boogeyman to allow us to escape the pain of recognizing our responsibility and complacency.
"It's her fault she didn't float when we threw her in the lake with rocks tied to her.

The mainstream media’s entire objective is to make u feel emotionally distracted from the Truth… plain and simple…
Do you consider AP news 'mainstream media'?