Iran Update...

Personally, I think that the entire debate around Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan is a waste of time. Any one outside of D.C. understands that the best thing the United States could do is withdraw from Europe, the Middle East and any other foreign nations.

We talk and talk about free trade and friendship, and then force others to be our friends at the point of the gun (which isn't surprising, considering that our citizens are forced to pay taxes the same way.)

The existence of the Welfare/Warfare state is something that should be ended. The United States can not continue on this path for ever, especially when it is clear (despite D.C.s refusal to admit it) that the reason why the United States is disliked by a lot of nations is because we are running around acting like an international bully.

Just because we are the world's lone superpower does not mean we have the obligation to try to resolve the world's problems. Besides, it would be better to stop subsidizing the defense of Europe, Korea, Japan, and stop trying to build democracies where there are none.

The best way to win friendship and respect is to lead from the front, instead of acting like a fat overweight bastard and trying to command from the lazy-boy. Leading from the front means putting what we preach into actions, instead of hot air. It would mean withdrawing from Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and then extending the hand of friendship to all through trade.

It does not mean surrendering our sovereignty to the UN or the WTO, however. As these are the entangling alliances that we were warned about by George Washington. Entangling Alliances that threaten to strip the United States of her sovereignty and enslave every single citizen here to the whims of a bunch of idiotic globalists in the Prague and New York City.
Geeze Brutal, this may be the most comprehensive post you've ever made, well except the part about being a part of a world wide nations meeting place. In spite of what you and all the righties on this forum think, we need to be involved in world decisions, just not the policing of those decisions, at least not being the leading or sole policemen. As far as trade goes, we need to trade on parity with other nations, dollar for dollar of exchanged goods. Our trade deficit is rediculous. This may necessitate tarrifs on chinese and other goods that are bought for pennies on the dollar, but that in itself would make it much more viable for investors to open back up the factories they have let lapse into non-existence. I'm pretty sure a few smart guys could turn this country around if they could look past the greed for a while. In the end, they would be well rewarded.
Geeze Brutal, this may be the most comprehensive post you've ever made, well except the part about being a part of a world wide nations meeting place. In spite of what you and all the righties on this forum think, we need to be involved in world decisions, just not the policing of those decisions, at least not being the leading or sole policemen. As far as trade goes, we need to trade on parity with other nations, dollar for dollar of exchanged goods. Our trade deficit is rediculous. This may necessitate tarrifs on chinese and other goods that are bought for pennies on the dollar, but that in itself would make it much more viable for investors to open back up the factories they have let lapse into non-existence. I'm pretty sure a few smart guys could turn this country around if they could look past the greed for a while. In the end, they would be well rewarded.

Not if they share your attitudes when it comes to a capricious disregard for our sovereignty.
The wave of the Islamic revolution will soon reach the entire world. (that's sweet and non threatening)

"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad… assured that the United States and the Zionist regime of Israel will soon come to the end of their lives," the Iranian president was quoted as saying. (Wonderful and kind)

“Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury,” (uh, that would be us)

“As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map,” (there's that Imam again)

In Iran, we don’t have homosexuals like you do in this country ( I just thought that was funny...he's so smart)

Ahmadinejad has threatened the State of Israel with annihilation several times in recent months, and has recently added the US and Britain to the list of countries he says will be destroyed. (gosh, this must be a lie)

I dunno, take your pick, I merely spent a quick five minutes finding direct and indirect quotes...I'm sure there are many more.

Shall I continue?

out. :blsmoke:
Except you said actions, so I asked for examples. They are all words(that you said you had no interest in! Make your mind up, you want it all ways!
Oh I see, we need to wait until they actually attack to consider them hostile? get your head out of your ***.

You sound like Neville Chamberlain.

out. :blsmoke:
Not if they share your attitudes when it comes to a capricious disregard for our sovereignty.
There you go. I've never given up our sovereignty, I just think learning how to play with others is better than beating the hell out of them and stealing their toys. I'm guessing you never got along with kids in the sandbox as a youngster, you must have been the kid that screamed and hit all the other kids with your sand shovel. Time to grow up.
There you go. I've never given up our sovereignty, I just think learning how to play with others is better than beating the hell out of them and stealing their toys. I'm guessing you never got along with kids in the sandbox as a youngster, you must have been the kid that screamed and hit all the other kids with your sand shovel. Time to grow up.

Well it's nice to see that you are as stupid as usual. I was fearing that you were going to come up with something intelligent and thought provoking instead of the same typical asinine personal attacks.

Of course, for you to come up with something intelligent and thought provoking would mean that you would have had to have the comprehension to understand what I had written in the initial post that this is all a response to.

Let me summarize what I said: The United States should withdraw from the UN, and WTO, and stop subsidizing the defense of Europe, Korea, and withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan, because it is hypocritical of us to try establishing democracy and freedom when we are using our military force to more or less forge an empire.

If we are going to lead, then we must lead by example, instead of by fiat, which would mean withdrawing our soldiers from around the world, and extending a hand of friendship through trade.

That does not mean, bending over like a BITCH for the rest of the world.

There's a very big difference between sharing the shovel, and giving it away.

Of course, such a small nuance is no doubt beyond your capability to understand, because you are hell bent on forcing everyone to give up their shovels to you.
Oh I see, we need to wait until they actually attack to consider them hostile? get your head out of your ***.

What the hell is wrong with you,didnt you know thats the way its supposed to work:shock:,even though we know by what they say & do we are supposed to give these savages the benifit of the doubt,unless we have absolute proof showing a missle aimed straight at us we are supposed to disregard any possible threat,at most we are supposed to write them a nasty letter saying if they try & hurt us we'll be very angry with them,then we will hold a meeting afterwards discussing our anger :lol:.

We could have detailed maps,defectors telling us what is planned,satalite info as well as precise GPS information showing where the intended target is,no matter the proof there will allways be a group of ultra excuse makers, to them there is no amount of advanced information that could convince them its better to drop the hammer before the hammer gets dropped on us.

We should wipe our ass with Iran & call it a day.
(The Fiat Money System)

(Money As Debt)

Who do you believe? (I know most of you have seen this before.)

The MainSream Media(MSM) and gov't. "The kids need the fluoride in the tap water" YouTube - Notebook: Bottled Water

Or scientists and doctors?
YouTube - Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in Tap Water
YouTube - Fluoride Poisoning
YouTube - Dangers of Fluoride

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________

YouTube - If You're an American you should see THIS! for real

YouTube - Alex Jones Predicts 911

YouTube - WTC 7 - Pull It By Larry Silverstein

YouTube - Here's something the government didn't want you to see

YouTube - FOX-5 Reports 9/11/01: WTC-7 Collapsed Before Actual Event

YouTube - 911 WTC Basement Explosions video and photographic proof

YouTube - Dick Cheney Exposed! - Excellent TV Doc

Richard Gage, AIA, Architect - "How The Towers Fell" - Complete 2 Hour Presentation |

Zeitgeist - The Movie

(America; Freedom to Fascism)
America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

(Ring of Power)
Ring of Power - Parts 1-5 -
Ring of Power - Parts 6-10 -

(The Money Masters)
The Money Masters - Part 1 of 2
The Money Masters - Part 2 of 2

(Esoteric Agenda)
Esoteric Agenda -

(End Game)
ENDGAME- ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement

(The Great Global Warming Swindle)
The Great Global Warming Swindle - Channel: UKUFO on

After you educate yourself with these links you can clearly see that the media and gov't are sleeping together. You should also be aware that the media is trying to make us hate Iran (just like Iraq) by telling us all the lies in the corrupt propaganda. The MSM (MainStream Media) is owned by Zionist Jews and hence the wars in the middle east because of difference in religion and corrupt politics.

YouTube - Plans Against Dissidents "A widespread awakening is taking place. Especially,the truth about 911, and the reasons for the Iraq war are unfolding..... Operation- Garden Plot"

Now We have a better idea of who We are, and what Our intentions have been! We want to live in a better world, but it takes people(You and Your friends) educating theirselves and others, than the sky is the limit!

(The Rothschild family has been impeding Our progression for a while. The Rothschild family has been the culprit for most recent wars, trying to install central banks so they can enslave We, the people. If I'm not wrong, the last two countries whom were forced central banks were IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN! The Rothschild family and its central banks have made all the mess for Us because they don't have to deal with all the debt they put Our country in, AND they get to buy up cheap (forclosed) properties and buisness just like they did in the great depression for pennies on the dollar. There are only 5 countries without central banks, two of them are Iran and N. Korea, go figure! The Rothschild family (and its cronies) has made Us slaves to the system! Money should be brought into circulation by public works, i.e., schools, hospitals, and any other misc public services.)

YouTube - Bob Marley on Herb and Prohibition

YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 1 of 7)

YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 2 of 7)

YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 3 of 7)

YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 4 of 7)

YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 5 of 7)

YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 6 of 7)

YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 7 of 7)

YouTube - Grow more pot! Part 1

YouTube - Grow more pot! Part 2

This is what We should be building to bring jobs to the USA/world

(Mars/Earth connection)

About the aliens!

Alien Gods? (Alien structures on Mars)

Some cool vids.

About Codex A.


Turning trash into fuel!

RON PAUL wants to legalize Ganja. He should have been president!

Jesus Messiah (I'm 'a Manuel')


Will You walk with Me?

You say You want a REVOLUTION!

What the hell is wrong with you,didnt you know thats the way its supposed to work:shock:,even though we know by what they say & do we are supposed to give these savages the benifit of the doubt,unless we have absolute proof showing a missle aimed straight at us we are supposed to disregard any possible threat,at most we are supposed to write them a nasty letter saying if they try & hurt us we'll be very angry with them,then we will hold a meeting afterwards discussing our anger :lol:.

We could have detailed maps,defectors telling us what is planned,satalite info as well as precise GPS information showing where the intended target is,no matter the proof there will allways be a group of ultra excuse makers, to them there is no amount of advanced information that could convince them its better to drop the hammer before the hammer gets dropped on us.

We should wipe our ass with Iran & call it a day.

Just like we did for Iraq pre invasion, huh?

See, that's the point. The people providing the 'intelligence' are the same people who profit from inciting a war. So should we trust someone who will get a shit load of money by telling us a bunch of lies?

If any part of the 'intelligence gathering' has a conflict of interest, like ours does, then it's unreliable, and can't be trusted.

You're naive as fuck if you think they wouldn't lie to you to get you to vote to get us into a war to get our tax dollars to buy their products so they keep making more money. These people are scum and this system is FUCKED.
The people who provided the intelligence on Iraq were from the Clinton era, not the bush era. Bush inherited a stripped down CIA and FBI via Clinton. Terrorist acts were treated as common criminal acts and the military was stripped of its funding as well.

Intelligence will never be reliable if after every four years we start prosecuting the very folks who have to make the tough calls. That means the next time (on Obama's shift), the intelligence agent will not wish to stick his/her neck out because they will know it is only a matter of time till a Pelosi/Reid type calls for their heads, once hindsight can be achieved. That is a political paralysis which can endanger our very lives by hamstringing FUTURE intelligence gathering. If you think we were in the dark with Clinton (correct), we will be completely blind after Obama.

out. :blsmoke:
The people who provided the intelligence on Iraq were from the Clinton era, not the bush era. Bush inherited a stripped down CIA and FBI via Clinton. Terrorist acts were treated as common criminal acts and the military was stripped of its funding as well.

Intelligence will never be reliable if after every four years we start prosecuting the very folks who have to make the tough calls. That means the next time (on Obama's shift), the intelligence agent will not wish to stick his/her neck out because they will know it is only a matter of time till a Pelosi/Reid type calls for their heads, once hindsight can be achieved. That is a political paralysis which can endanger our very lives by hamstringing FUTURE intelligence gathering. If you think we were in the dark with Clinton (correct), we will be completely blind after Obama.

out. :blsmoke:

I couldn't give a fuck less which president these people gathered intelligence under, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, doesn't mean anything. It's not a party issue, it's a legal issue. Law is blind when used appropriately. Because your stupid ass lays blame on all the democrats or anyone whose ever done anything against any republican, this issue persists. If you think republicans don't do anything wrong, your wrong, plain and simple, they all do shit that's wrong, every politician is in the game for themselves, with the exception of a few, a small few that doesn't amount to anything changing in the political policy. The vast majority of politicians are happy idiots like you think that anytime anything goes wrong, it was the opposite party's fault, you know why? So that you'll vote for 'your' party come next election... Is that crazy or are you too stupid and blind to see this game they play with you?!

So you're essentially saying fuck the legal system, we should just let everyone do whatever they want in government with zero legal consequences to worry about... That's the shit that makes war crimes possible, when assholes in power feel like they'll never be held accountable for the shit they do. Our intelligence community SHOULD be afraid of the consequences of committing ILLEGAL actions. Everyone else is, why the hell should they be any different?! If they're worried about if the shit they're doing is illegal, then it probably is. If they're committing illegal acts in order to obtain information from a terrorist suspect, aka. torture, then they should be held accountable, as the INTERNATIONAL law, which supercedes any law any American politician could write up, says torture is ILLEGAL. They do it, they face the consequences, fuck what some general or colonel or even the president says, if they order you to torture someone, you know it's wrong, you still do it, then you face the consequences. That's what they established after ww2 at Nueremburg.
No, I am saying when it comes to national intelligence and national security issues, it should not be aired out in public for all to see.

If you wish to fight people who play by NO rules whatsoever, you had better come up with a REAL OUTLINE. The trouble with this entire war on terrorism is precedents are hard to come by.....BUT we as a nation need to have "intelligent" intelligence and cannot say one year(or president) this is ok and the next call for heads to roll. If this sort of back biting continues....your intelligence operations will become worse than moot, they will be wrong. If you blame everyone years after it was signed off on .. then agents in the future will be adverse to doing anything "risky", even if the AG walks in and says it's A OK. Yah? What about the next AG? You CANNOT go backwards later and say, you broke the law as we see it now. You'll never get the right people to work for your intelligence agencies. Then we will be blind.....

P.S. I think you care deeply that Clinton failed this country miserably in the national security issues. You just don't want to admit it. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:
Over 100,000 Dead Iraqi's.
Thousands of dead Palistinians.

Who is 'Pro-Terrorism' again CrackerJackass?


Its all very disgusting. I don't understand how Our gov't can get away with these illegal wars. Its not like any of these innocent people had anything to do with 911.

What if a couple americans pulled off a terrorist attack at the olympics in China and killed ~3000 people? Does that give the Chinese gov't a right to take over America? Because that would mean the USA harbors terrorists and should be taken over by a foreign country in the name of liberty and freedom. Doesn't the USA harbor the KKK and other radical groups?

Cracker, can you tell Me how many people were actually held accountable for 911? Who was caught and charged? You would think with over ~100,000 deaths that some of these people would be to blame. But thats not the case.

The war on "terrorism" could be called "the war to install central banks at all costs".

How come people are so ignorant of the truth? Ohh ya, its because they have been brainwashed!

America, the next Nazi Germany. Same stuff different leader.

Over 100,000 Dead Iraqi's.
Thousands of dead Palistinians.

Who is 'Pro-Terrorism' again CrackerJackass?

The latest estimates are closer to 50000 total with the vast majority killed by Al Queda. You'll have to do better than that.

As for the can't even be serious.

out. :blsmoke: