New Member
Read the posts Cracker we wern't talking about you, those posts were directed at max.
it's just that med man threw that 180 crap at me before... that's a coincidence...


Read the posts Cracker we wern't talking about you, those posts were directed at max.
Geeze Brutal, this may be the most comprehensive post you've ever made, well except the part about being a part of a world wide nations meeting place. In spite of what you and all the righties on this forum think, we need to be involved in world decisions, just not the policing of those decisions, at least not being the leading or sole policemen. As far as trade goes, we need to trade on parity with other nations, dollar for dollar of exchanged goods. Our trade deficit is rediculous. This may necessitate tarrifs on chinese and other goods that are bought for pennies on the dollar, but that in itself would make it much more viable for investors to open back up the factories they have let lapse into non-existence. I'm pretty sure a few smart guys could turn this country around if they could look past the greed for a while. In the end, they would be well rewarded.Personally, I think that the entire debate around Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan is a waste of time. Any one outside of D.C. understands that the best thing the United States could do is withdraw from Europe, the Middle East and any other foreign nations.
We talk and talk about free trade and friendship, and then force others to be our friends at the point of the gun (which isn't surprising, considering that our citizens are forced to pay taxes the same way.)
The existence of the Welfare/Warfare state is something that should be ended. The United States can not continue on this path for ever, especially when it is clear (despite D.C.s refusal to admit it) that the reason why the United States is disliked by a lot of nations is because we are running around acting like an international bully.
Just because we are the world's lone superpower does not mean we have the obligation to try to resolve the world's problems. Besides, it would be better to stop subsidizing the defense of Europe, Korea, Japan, and stop trying to build democracies where there are none.
The best way to win friendship and respect is to lead from the front, instead of acting like a fat overweight bastard and trying to command from the lazy-boy. Leading from the front means putting what we preach into actions, instead of hot air. It would mean withdrawing from Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and then extending the hand of friendship to all through trade.
It does not mean surrendering our sovereignty to the UN or the WTO, however. As these are the entangling alliances that we were warned about by George Washington. Entangling Alliances that threaten to strip the United States of her sovereignty and enslave every single citizen here to the whims of a bunch of idiotic globalists in the Prague and New York City.
Geeze Brutal, this may be the most comprehensive post you've ever made, well except the part about being a part of a world wide nations meeting place. In spite of what you and all the righties on this forum think, we need to be involved in world decisions, just not the policing of those decisions, at least not being the leading or sole policemen. As far as trade goes, we need to trade on parity with other nations, dollar for dollar of exchanged goods. Our trade deficit is rediculous. This may necessitate tarrifs on chinese and other goods that are bought for pennies on the dollar, but that in itself would make it much more viable for investors to open back up the factories they have let lapse into non-existence. I'm pretty sure a few smart guys could turn this country around if they could look past the greed for a while. In the end, they would be well rewarded.
There you go. I've never given up our sovereignty, I just think learning how to play with others is better than beating the hell out of them and stealing their toys. I'm guessing you never got along with kids in the sandbox as a youngster, you must have been the kid that screamed and hit all the other kids with your sand shovel. Time to grow up.Not if they share your attitudes when it comes to a capricious disregard for our sovereignty.
There you go. I've never given up our sovereignty, I just think learning how to play with others is better than beating the hell out of them and stealing their toys. I'm guessing you never got along with kids in the sandbox as a youngster, you must have been the kid that screamed and hit all the other kids with your sand shovel. Time to grow up.
Oh I see, we need to wait until they actually attack to consider them hostile? get your head out of your ***.
What the hell is wrong with you,didnt you know thats the way its supposed to work,even though we know by what they say & do we are supposed to give these savages the benifit of the doubt,unless we have absolute proof showing a missle aimed straight at us we are supposed to disregard any possible threat,at most we are supposed to write them a nasty letter saying if they try & hurt us we'll be very angry with them,then we will hold a meeting afterwards discussing our anger
We could have detailed maps,defectors telling us what is planned,satalite info as well as precise GPS information showing where the intended target is,no matter the proof there will allways be a group of ultra excuse makers, to them there is no amount of advanced information that could convince them its better to drop the hammer before the hammer gets dropped on us.
We should wipe our ass with Iran & call it a day.
The people who provided the intelligence on Iraq were from the Clinton era, not the bush era. Bush inherited a stripped down CIA and FBI via Clinton. Terrorist acts were treated as common criminal acts and the military was stripped of its funding as well.
Intelligence will never be reliable if after every four years we start prosecuting the very folks who have to make the tough calls. That means the next time (on Obama's shift), the intelligence agent will not wish to stick his/her neck out because they will know it is only a matter of time till a Pelosi/Reid type calls for their heads, once hindsight can be achieved. That is a political paralysis which can endanger our very lives by hamstringing FUTURE intelligence gathering. If you think we were in the dark with Clinton (correct), we will be completely blind after Obama.
So far I am unimpressed with the pro terrorism people on this thread. You folks need to pick it up a bit.
Over 100,000 Dead Iraqi's.
Thousands of dead Palistinians.
Who is 'Pro-Terrorism' again CrackerJackass?
Over 100,000 Dead Iraqi's.
Thousands of dead Palistinians.
Who is 'Pro-Terrorism' again CrackerJackass?
The latest estimates are closer to 50000 total with the vast majority killed by Al Queda. You'll have to do better than that.
As for the can't even be serious.