Well-Known Member
Again noone said Israel are "the bad guys", just they currently persuing a foreign policy that both:Heyyousguys its a lost fight. Some are ignorant. It's best to let them live in their little fantasy world. As for a threat I do belive Iran has had a war with Iraq, but facts don't matter, because Israel is the worlds bad guy to these guys. Always will be, you'll learn that if you listen long enough to these two.
1. Denies the Palestenians their basic human rights and right to self ddetermination
2. Weakens it's position globally cos most countries when they see (one example) Mossad agents assassinating people in foreign countries using cloned passports just think "wtf?!".
Noone said Israel are the bad guys, just they are persuing a pretty evil policy (which as victims of genocide themselves they should be acutely sensitive to doing it to other people themselves).
Policy can change tho and war/genocide of people is not necessary.