iranian autos-fisrt auto grow-first journal


Well-Known Member
i may have been told that they will not show for quite awile under 24 but will show as soon as they are put out or given less light? im burnt sometimes i forget things. anyway here are some pics from day 31. the biggest are about 11.5" the smallest an inch-inch and half smaller they are realy bushy for such small plants i like them a pleasure to grow for sure. im germing the rest and my other autos tomarrow i had to stay home from a trip to the adirondacks,bummer. but ill get some work done now.



Well-Known Member
i may have been told that they will not show for quite awile under 24 but will show as soon as they are put out or given less light? im burnt sometimes i forget things. anyway here are some pics from day 31. the biggest are about 11.5" the smallest an inch-inch and half smaller they are realy bushy for such small plants i like them a pleasure to grow for sure. im germing the rest and my other autos tomarrow i had to stay home from a trip to the adirondacks,bummer. but ill get some work done now.

if they're the iranian auto's they'll show sex in any light cycle..but they do sell non auto iranian's..


Well-Known Member
here they are at day 39 or 40 i forget but anyway they are doing wel. nice and bushy. today will be their last day under 24 h. tomarrow i am going to plant them. they are all over 12" and ready for their new home. the pics today didnt do them justice i took them right when it was getting dark and the flash made them look less green it seems. i have my 4 other seeds started-well they were put in soil today they are not above it yet. hopefully ill grow the next ones better. i know to lay of the nitrogen a bit.


Well-Known Member
yes they have all shown their sex within the last few days. putting them outdoors during the day has made them grow an inch or more a day. as its been in the 80s for the last week or more here. im definitly putting them out tomarrow. ill take pics it will be dark so they never come out good in the dark.


Well-Known Member
hey sorry didnt have a camera for a bit i have only one recent photo taken yesterday. of the one near my house the oters are in a raised bed im hoping to go check today. they havent been checked in over a week they are budding or at least this one is and this was one of the slower ones.
also i started 4 more so here is a shot of the one outside near my house and 4 11 days old. ill get the rest of the photos today or tomarrow been quite busy.
check out some of my outdoor grows on the outdoor forum. have had some goods and bads this year lost 6 due to mice? yes mice fucked up huh? never had that happen. they were good plants. reg season not autos.



Well-Known Member
for some reason my camera makes them look more yellow than they are outside. the last camera did the same thing. they are actually a bit more green. makes them look unhealthy. ill fool with it and see if i can take better photos. im not good with tech shit.


Well-Known Member
agree.looking very nice..theres a cool read in skunk mag thats all about iranian autos. has some good info..says they do & yeild very well outside.


Well-Known Member
yea i read it at borders. didnt buy the mag but i read the article. didnt get to my site once again. women probs, not probs just they need their time to. but ill get there tomarrow and have some pics. im interested in whats going on and need to spread deterants its been raining and to long since ive been there. hope i dont find stalks. knock on wood.

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Yours look healthy also,both of ours keep a light green color.Ive tried everything to make these dark green but I just gave up.All that stretch on yours will probably be one cola,...good grow!!!!!