Iranian short season autoflower I.S.S

Has any one grown Iranian short season indoors with success .. Please post pics of harvest an set up I've been searching this site with little luck but I know this potent strain has to have been grown inside ..


Well-Known Member
I think most of the ppl that grows IAF start them inside until they're 12"-18"t then put them outside, but i've also heard the flowering response is very indoors, i have 2 outside in ground that i started on April 16 & they have maybe a month left, they've been flowering about a wk & a half & in that time they've grown 1 foot, and im starting to smell em'
Yea I've been hearing mixed reviews about indoors but they have all been saying its extremely potent tho .. I have a 180w blackstar in a 2x2 box gonna put 4 plants in 2 gal pots I'm really just lookin for a oz a plant an I'd be satisfied


Active Member
never grew it inside but it is awesome outside. cant see growing anything else outdoors. i grew up to 20 inches inside for mothers and they did well to that point. they clone really well. outside they are good for 3 ozs each on average, between three and four feet tall. peace out


Hi y'all. Okay, so I've been registered here for about a year and never posted before. So, let me give you some background. I'm not an idiot weed savant or some kind of professional grower. I'm a middle age man who has lived his life close to the 45th paralell and I'm a farmer. Not for a living but grown a garden for years. Tomatos, peppers, beans, lettuce, stuff like that. Last year I grew some stuff from seeds I got in Toronto during a visit to the city two years ago. This year, I took a chance and bought some of doc's ISS. It was a leap of faith for me because I'm a family man, gainfully employed in the community, etc, but I also have problems with an autoimmune illness and depression and know that the kind bud can help that stuff.

Anyway, I bought an order of ISS but bought it late.....didn't get it in the paper towels for germination till around 6/17 (my best guess). I germ'd 3 seeds...didn't want to do more because I was skeptical of the claim that it would be ready in 90 days. All three germinated. I planted them out back, in the swamp, in 5-gallon pails. I put the pails on short (3 feet long) 2X4s to keep them out of the swamp, which I figured was pretty acidic. Sorry all you purists, but I used a mix that I use for my regular garden - 50% garden loam (rich but clayey) with 50% compost (mostly from leaves and lawn clippings but also eggshells, coffee grinds, rinds and peels and all the stuff that good household compost contains).

Anyway, I enriched this with Epoma (not sure of the spelling, though I've used it for years) organic fertilizer. I get a couple of 40-pound bags of this stuff from the garden supply store every spring. I don't do this by exact measurement. The stuff is relatively low potency (4-3-3, I believe, but don't quote me, I'm on a roll here) and advertised that it "won't burn". In any case, I mix it in a 6 cubic feet wheelbarrow and do it by site.

So, anyway, i mix my mix and around July 1 I put these small seedlings in the five gallon pots and haul them out to the grow area. I get plenty of light out there (10 hours a day, on average, but less than 8 at this time of year) and let them go. I go out twice a week and water with low-dose miracle grow solution (3 tsp per 3 gallon jug). I harvested the first plant on Friday - 3 days ago. Upon bringing in I was sad to see that there is some bud mold. I trimmed agressively to get rid of it and hung to dry.

Late this afternoon,, I am going out to pull the next two plants. the buds look very different but the leaf pattern is very similary. I will post pics of all when I'm done. Didn't take any pics of the first one in the field.

Anyway, the first ISS - I speed dried a small bud and tried last night. My girl and I agreed that it is really, really good shit. The kind of stuff that passes as designer weed I hear a lot of doubters and naysayers about the Doc's gear but I have to say, at first blush, it's awesome. Of course, what the fuck do I know? I've only grown the last couple years. But I have been smoking for a long time (35 years) and, although I stopped for about 10 years, I have been exposed to the benefits of medicinal herb the last few years. This stuff is good, really good, and I'll be posting a follow up with picture