Iraq Vet Kills Himself After Being Ordered to Commit “War Crimes”

They did it because the Gov. needed well trained and skilled security forces, and the military didn't have a real training program for that. Plus, there's less transparency required with a private corp. than there is with military forces in general.
I beg to differ. The military does have training programs, very good ones. I think you'll find that all the Blackwater operatives are former military.
I beg to differ. The military does have training programs, very good ones. I think you'll find that all the Blackwater operatives are former military.

We don't care much for the VIP security stuff. The military background is just to ensure they have a good basic skill-set. Not everyone they're hiring was a former Recon Marine. Plenty of the military they hired were just trigger-pullers with basic combat training. They actually trained them up to that level. Our miltary does have great training programs, but they're VERY limited.
One of the things we did regularly in Vietnam was set-up night ambush's. We would set out claymores & trip flares & wait for something to move down the trail. One night (on my watch) I heard what sounded like 1/2 the NVA army coming down the trail. I'm sure all the commotion woke up the whole platoon, but we only had 1 night vision scope. A quick look thru the scope & I could see they were all women & children, carrying pots & pans. No one else could see who they were. I didn't blow the claymores & I let them pass. There was probably a wedding or something in the next village.......... Well word got back to HQ about it & my sgt was called in and reamed out for not blowing the ambush. They told him next time, he'd lose a stripe. He chewed me out & told me next time "trigger the damn claymore's & let it be on HIS conscience".....war is HELL!!!!:sad:
So you think the US Army should do fucked up shit?

One of the things we did regularly in Vietnam was set-up night ambush's. We would set out claymores & trip flares & wait for something to move down the trail. One night (on my watch) I heard what sounded like 1/2 the NVA army coming down the trail. I'm sure all the commotion woke up the whole platoon, but we only had 1 night vision scope. A quick look thru the scope & I could see they were all women & children, carrying pots & pans. No one else could see who they were. I didn't blow the claymores & I let them pass. There was probably a wedding or something in the next village.......... Well word got back to HQ about it & my platoon sgt was called in and reamed out for not blowing the ambush. They told him next time, he'd lose a stripe. He chewed me out & told me next time "trigger the damn claymore's & let it be on HIS conscience".....war is HELL!!!!:sad:

No, you did the right thing. The SGT probably said that because he doesn't have a conscience to begin with.
......."and I don't know these men I kill"..............[video=youtube;10ej46Mhshg][/video]
"I know for a fact that in the beginning of the invasion of iraq, men women and children were run over with tanks if they happened to be in the way - no honking, no yelling, just run the fuck over."

The M1 Abrams doesn't have a horn. It is jet turbine for fucks sake. So, what a bunch of bullshit this guy brings with "I know for a fact." What fact?

Here is the fact. The tank push was way the hell out on the left flank, out in the desert. The push was in the middle of the night. And that was after the Engineers pushed out the sand berm for several columns to fill the anti-tank ditch.

Now, where are these civilians in all this? It was under the most strict operation deception since D-day.

There were possibly a few shot civilians that refused to listen perhaps, but I know for a fact, there was no crowd of civvies at the push for the Hail Mary, General Swartzy play.

What buffoonery!

We run over our own guys with these tanks. It is called fight like you train....the fog of war.

A tank is something no one needs to tell you to get out of the way. Honk the horn?

The noise level is classified, but I assure you they are loud.
And another thing.

From Nam there is this famous movie footage, about the miserable, dirty grunt with the Bad Shakes, anyone see that?

From the good side of the sand bags he says, "I've never even seen the enemy (real shaky, pitiful voice, gut wrenching) I just shoot where they say.....I just want to go home."

It is a terrible thing. Fear is indeed the mind killer. I fault him not, truly. A Conscript on a 1 year death sentence.

But, wait a minute. Do you actually want to see your enemy? Do you really want to fight his guts, out of him, before he gets yours? I don't think so.

Doesn't anybody understand, the why of "standoff" in weapons?

So, before the modern battle rifle, you couldn't fire your one ball, into the bayonet charge UNTIL you saw the "whites of their eyes."

So, which is better?

I know. I know. Spare me. Peace on the Planet will solve it all.
The M1 Abrams doesn't have a horn.

Meep meep. cn

700 billion every 365 days to military, yeah I think they ran plenty of people over, literally or meatphorically, you can see couple billion wasted in tax payers money on blowing up random dudes in deserts and mountains who've never traveled to their own countries capital (due to security situation with govt - tribal rifts) let alone USA. Quite a travesty considering our main ally saudi arabia is where majority of the hijackers and osama where from, as well as where all the imams issue islamic fatwas from on other religious leaders in sectarian divided states like iraq, afghanistan, syria, on and on and on. USA throws hundreds of millions in any conflict they see possibly geopolitical gain from, accuses saddam of using WMDs based on false german intelligence from curveball (intelligence fail of the decade), reality is the resources are more valuable then the human life expended to remain geopolitically dominate.

I don't think they are too concerned about 16 trillion debt, but the only thing stopping 10$/gallon gas is saudis forcing other countries to buy US dollars before purchasing their oil, propping the US dollar up. Everything would increase dramatically if we lost saudi ally, the non nuclear superpower, islamic sharia law state with no freedoms for women, religious taxes on non muslims ect ect ect. Disgusting to say the least. I don't care much for extremists but they are sunni wahhabi's and our main middle eastern allies lost generations, somehow we still fund their state due to economic ties and resources in the region.
700 billion every 365 days to military, yeah I think they ran plenty of people over, literally or meatphorically, you can see couple billion wasted in tax payers money on blowing up random dudes in deserts and mountains who've never traveled to their own countries capital (due to security situation with govt - tribal rifts) let alone USA. Quite a travesty considering our main ally saudi arabia is where majority of the hijackers and osama where from, as well as where all the imams issue islamic fatwas from on other religious leaders in sectarian divided states like iraq, afghanistan, syria, on and on and on. USA throws hundreds of millions in any conflict they see possibly geopolitical gain from, accuses saddam of using WMDs based on false german intelligence from curveball (intelligence fail of the decade), reality is the resources are more valuable then the human life expended to remain geopolitically dominate.

I don't think they are too concerned about 16 trillion debt, but the only thing stopping 10$/gallon gas is saudis forcing other countries to buy US dollars before purchasing their oil, propping the US dollar up. Everything would increase dramatically if we lost saudi ally, the non nuclear superpower, islamic sharia law state with no freedoms for women, religious taxes on non muslims ect ect ect. Disgusting to say the least. I don't care much for extremists but they are sunni wahhabi's and our main middle eastern allies lost generations, somehow we still fund their state due to economic ties and resources in the region.

Cheney even before taking office had William Cohen (outgoing Clinton SecDef) to brief Bush with a serious “discussion about Iraq and different options,” Some in the CIA knew the intel shouldn't have gone to the higher ups, 'Stovepiping' put raw intel on the VP's desk and Cheney not getting the answers he wanted to hear on WMDs from the agency, had his own group "vet" the intel. the BND warned the US the authenticity of the intel was in doubt. DCI Tenet described the situation as "a textbook case of how not to deal with defector-provided material"... Thank cheneys office for the curveball intel, they ultimately vetted it, knowing it was bullshit...