
It seems we get a little off track: Here is some later news from Iraq: Do you suppose that our invasion of Iraq had anytrhing to do with this? I think Sadam had these guys under control when he ran the place. I don't think this an isolated incident, this is happening all over the country. Weve virtually opened Pandoras Box in Iraq! Just my opinion!
It seems the country is now turning to the Taliban for leadership. Or the Taliban are going to simply take it. What are we going to do, air raid and missile the cities again?

Iraq is now a terrorist hub, and it is our fault. Our war on terror is so blind that we create more. The terrorists now have their feet firmly planted in Iraq. Iraq was a mistake, the only way we can even begin to rectify this mistake is to admit it and give Saddam his country back. Saddam still has support (despite what our governments would have us believe), he's only man that can re-tame Iraq.
You folk have no idea.

War is hell...and one of the US' greatest generals said that, and even he didn't propagate the philosophy to it's ultimate conclusion.

If the western world wants to sort out 'extremist' threats, it's quite simple...find their rat holes, drop 5 billion US dollars of cocaine, heroine and porno vids on them, and then 5 bill US in cash.

Once they are all cashed up and wacked out on drugs....then we go in an waste them.

If we provide a 'western lifestyle' to them, we will ultimately might take 100 years, but it will happen.

Alternatively, nuke the hell out of them.

Them or us...and I'm glad some brave and honourable souls are over there doing their bit, for me, you, and everyone else...

I don't see too many peace marches through the allied camps in country, do you?
