
Uhhh ... the TurboGarden is more than that. But, my friend can fix you up for even less than the $150, I think.

yup I've tried a few of the leaves, got high on a couple of them, but not on the rest. Too early to tell what the high will be like. They're all females, I paid extra for that. I hope I can be patient and let them mature. I already screwed up and let them go too long before putting them in 12-12, and I was using the wrong fert. 15-30-15 a flowering nute. Now that I'm catching on, I'm sure the next batch will be better. So let me ask you this, If you want to make a combo plant, a hybrid you get some pollen from the male of one species and polinate a female of another and then the seeds will be a combo-hybrid. Thats how you got the combo ak and grape. I have an AK 47 but not the plant, the Gun!
BLOODY HELL!!!!!! Now I really don't want to find out where you live medican'. LOL.

But yes, take some male pollen, and inseminate the female, then add the pollen to the female pistils, and yes everything I've just said was intentional. Then put a bag over it (the female branch that is!) this is to make sure that none of the sticky stuff (the pollen!) spreads to any of the other buds.

How much did you pay for your seeds medican'? I can buy 10 WW feminised seeds for 55 quid. What's that, about $75-$80?
Yup about $90.00 U.S.- 75.00 euro for seeds I used to throw away, not WW though. In America, land of the free, we can have all the guns we want. I have about ten. Pistols: .45 auto, 9MM auto, .380 auto, .25 auto. Rifles: 7MM. mag,(the snipers choice) AK47, 30 cal semi-auto carbine, 22 long rifle(good for wet work), a 12 guage pump, (also good for wet work) and a couple of others I can't talk about. I'm ready for whatever comes my way. It's been said: "It's better to have a gun when you need one then to need one when you don't have one", I also have a carry permit which allows me to carry a concealed weapon. America is great if your not a felon! Now if they would only get the pot bill passed, I'd be livin the American dream
Wow. The best i've got is a 22 air rifle with needle point pellets. that's a pretty impressive arsenal you have there, not to mention the unmentionables.

I don't really like guns, i like the idea of shooting someone if they came to do evil, i just don't like the idea that they can shoot me too. I mean if you get into a fight, in this country that's all it is. A black eye, bruised cheek and you live to fight another day, but even getting shot in the arm could cripple or even kill you. I'm glad that firearms are banned over here, there's too many nutters about.

Don't get me wrong we have gangs and gun crime, luckily though it is usually the gun-toting gangsters that are getting shot. the gangs over here carry guns all the time, it's like they are afraid to leave the house without it.

For me though, I think I'll stick to shooting targets on trees with my air rifle.
Guns, don't leave home without one. Actually, even though I have a carry permit, I seldom if never take one with me, a decision I might regret some day. We have shootings all the time here, mostly gang related. If you stay out of the gang neighborhoods, your odds are pretty good, although every once in a while an innocent gets shot. The thing with guns, if you pull one out be prepaired to use it. The class to get a carry permit basically tells you how to get away with shooting someone. If you have to shoot someone make sure you kill them, dead men tell no tales. If you shoot someone call the cops and your lawyer immeadiately. say nothing to the cops and be prepared to spend some preliminary time in jail. Also be prepaired to spend 10-20 grand on the lawyer, even if your shooting was totally justified. The 10-20 grand has me thinking i'll just not carry, although the priveledge is awesome! "They Hate us for our freedom" G.W.Bush!
Medican you need to start some serious growing. get that cash flow going and you could be shooting your first victim within months. If you've got it 10-20 grand to blow away the next mo' fo to fo with you is worth it. That'd be amazing.:twisted: :peace: :twisted: :peace: :confused:
Hey, we need a lot of guns here in the U.S. I mean, you just never know when the Brits will come looking to take their colonies back. :)

Med ...

If you want to pollenate a female without seeding the entire plant, first isolate the female in a seperate room. Then take a hefty trash bag and put it over the female plant. Cut a little hole just large enough to poke a branch out. Now, take some tape and tape the hole around the now sticking out branch. After that, bring a SMALL amount of the male's pollen into the room and "dust" the exposed branch. Now, put the rest of the pollen in the fridge for later use. Change your clothes and take a shower. Wait 24 hours, then spray the exposed branch with water. Now, move the female back into your grow room. Doing it this way, you will end up with one seeded branch with hundreds of seeds without seeding the entire plant. Pretty smooth, no? :)


PS: That Ak-47 x C-99 that I talked about was bred by a breeder named Joey Weed. He makes nice crosses. The Grape pheno refers to the flavor of the smoke and not the cross. Honestly, when smoked, the flavor is like concord grape. Sad to say ... I lost the strain to a mite attack. Boo ...
Now you really made me laugh, I'm still savin up for the first mo-fo. You've got to be careful and make sure you don't know the mo-fo or they'll try and get you for murder 1. Your only allowed to shoot strangers! V, thanks for the info, if this strain of WW makes it through, I'll probably try the aero and some in-breeding,lol.
My country has lost it's pride. It comes to something when the French have more to be proud of than we do. Our arch enemies, the French. Always landing second best to the glory of the English Redcoats.

Unfortunately my country is a leading contender for head-boy of the P.C. brigade (politically correct). I loathe P.C. bullshit. I hate the way we are constantly being told what we should be thinking. This is right, this is wrong, this is, this isn't... So if you're trying to entice me into a battle I fear I must decline as my heart really wouldn't be in it. There is also the fact that there'd be few (if any at all) Englanders to back me up on this site. My knowledge of American Independence is fairly limited and full of English propaganda, so I wouldn't insult you or anyone else by writing it down here.

Medican, you sound a bit gutted that it has to be a stranger. If I could carry a concealed firearm I'd be looking to get mugged regularly.
In the part of the U.S. where I live, you do very little walking around. You drive to the location where you want to consume and go into the store or building. Walking is something I do at the gym on a treadmill. As I've said, If you stay out of certain parts of the city, there is relatively little danger, thus no need to carry. A .45 auto is a heavy weapon and would be cumbersome to conceal, especially on hot days. The nice thing about a .45 auto is one shot will generally stop the largest Man. My dad, a WWII vet, said that they went to the .45 instead of a .38 because if an enemy was coming into your foxhole, it would blow them back out. I don't know if this is factual but to be honest, I wouldnt want to be hit with one, especially a hollow point, and that is what I have in mine. If you have to use it, you want it to do the most damage it can, hopefully I'll never have to!
There is an organization of pro-gun rights activists here in the States called "Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership." They have a clever poster that has the words: "All in favor of gun control, raise your right hand." The picture on the poster shows Adolph Hitler in full regalia giving the Nazi salute. That kind of says it all. Our right to bear arms is intended so that the citizens can protect themselves from foreign and domestic enemies. When government attempts to take the rights of the citizens away, government becomes a domestic enemy ... right along with robbers, muggers, highwaymen, thieves and Democrats.

Here's a link: Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Did you say Democrats? The shame, the pain, I think that shot hit the bone, oh. oh., time for Hannity and Colmes, The shawn Hannity and his puppet "Colmes" show, yeah I know, Fair and Balanced, Ha!
Guns should be banned. That's why you have so many murders in the U.S. Even two-bit burglars are packing because they know the home owner could blow them away. Even if I caught a burglar in my home I wouldn't want to kill the guy. plus it's mainly kids that do the dwelling burglaries in this country. if ordinary citizens have guns the criminals have no choice but to arm themselves for similar protection.

Even our police officers don't carry guns. We have special squads for incidents of gun crime. There is a call for all officers to be armed but that wouldn't be fair. They are already allowed to carry C.S. gas but we are not as it is classed as a firearm. Do you know that if police stop me and I have fireworks I could go to jail for life? I'm in favour of the C.S. as it really has very little chance of killing anybody, if not us men then it should at least be legal for women. Women are targeted the most by rapists and thieves without honour (for I know that it is possible for a thief to have morals), they are targeted because they are easier to defeat if they put up resistance. often beaten and killed. What is this shit? I find it difficult to believe how someone could hurt women and children the way they do. That's when I could easily kill someone, if they were abusing a woman or child, easily then.
I see so only you should have a gun to kill someone who abused your wife or child. Uh, I think thats how we all feel, but in this country it's too late. The criminals all have guns and banning them would only affect the law abiding citizens whom have registered their guns, ie. they would be confiscated, and the unregistered guns the criminals have, would still be in play, as in stomping in your front door and raping and pillaging. Remember Nazi Germany, the first thing Hitler did was to Ban guns. Since the Jew thing has been done already, what would be next, maybe drug users, they are a scourge on society anyway, just round them up and put them in concentration camps and fire up the furnaces, yeah, lets ban guns. NOT!
Who said anything about using a gun? I'd kill them motherfuckers with my teeth. Quite easily.

In this country ordinary criminals don't carry guns, neither do ordinary citizens. If the future of mankind is peace, why do we need guns?
For those who are pro-gun control, I always suggest that they put a sign in their front window that reads: "There are no guns in this home."
