Irish spring & moth do u keep deer away


Active Member
Use as many as you can, a fence (chicken wire is the only sure way but on the down side it makes them stand out so you have to decide. Other methods 50lbs fishing line tied around the area at 2' 4' and 6', rotten eggs and peppers/hot sauce mixed in water and sprayed on plates every week or two (not in flower) piss, hair, dirty clothes ect.

There's even, motion sensor sprays (can't remember name) that work good but cost $50-70 a bottle.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
Irish spring and moth balls.. you know this guy... whats your most pracita;l deer ,rabbit repillant?
pet hair moth balls work really well, as for the rabbits, lowes sells some stuff that keeps all critters away and this shit smells like limburger cheese or some hobo's dirty rotten stinking feet. it's putrid!! look in garden center. I use it and never had any problems. pepper is another gimick or any kind of predator piss including your own.


Well-Known Member
i always take my dog and critters never come around encourage him or her to mark their teritoory and poo also i have always done this to piss in a gallon jug until its about 3/4 full its pretty nasty smelling by the time its that full gas mask or resperator work good but holding breathe and funnels also work. When its that full bring to your grow find a spot where it won't spill un cork that nasty stuff and you won't find an animal with 1000 yrds of that beast maybe birds but thats about it scare moose deer rabs fox and the dog also known reppelent to those critters i plant in 100 % moose deer territory and i have no problems ever