Iron Defeciency???


Well-Known Member
Hello all, i am leaning towards Iron defeciency(see picture). I am growing in Royal Crown Coco and I am using Advanced Nutrients Micro-Grow-Bloom at 20ml per 14 liters and Advanced Nutrients SensiCal at 10ml per 14 liters. I thought this was sufficient nutirents, however I am starting to think I may need to bump up the dosage...any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Can you take the pic in normal light? The grow lights make it look all pale green with a yellow hue.....


Well-Known Member
Can you take the pic in normal light? The grow lights make it look all pale green with a yellow hue.....

Sorry about that, here are some pics without the lights on:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Hello all, i am leaning towards Iron defeciency(see picture). I am growing in Royal Crown Coco and I am using Advanced Nutrients Micro-Grow-Bloom at 20ml per 14 liters and Advanced Nutrients SensiCal at 10ml per 14 liters. I thought this was sufficient nutirents, however I am starting to think I may need to bump up the dosage...any thoughts?
Also could be magnesium. Make sure your PH is right, and then give em a shot of micronutrients


Well-Known Member
Also could be magnesium. Make sure your PH is right, and then give em a shot of micronutrients
I have a well and my pH straight from the faucet is 6.5. I have been told that this is too high for coco and have been lowering it to roughly 6.0, using sodium bisulfate, but something tells me I shouldn't be using sodium bisulfate to lower the pH. I am thinking I am better off just staying at 6.5 and not using the sodium bisulfate. Opinions???


Well-Known Member
I have a well and my pH straight from the faucet is 6.5. I have been told that this is too high for coco and have been lowering it to roughly 6.0, using sodium bisulfate, but something tells me I shouldn't be using sodium bisulfate to lower the pH. I am thinking I am better off just staying at 6.5 and not using the sodium bisulfate. Opinions???

Also, as stated before I am using Advanced Nutrients Micro-Grow-Bloom at 20ml each per 14liters, along with a shot of Sensi Cal(Calcium and Magnesium supplement), at 20ml per 14liters. Is it alright to mix all these nutes into one feeding, or should the SensiCal be used at different intervals?


Well-Known Member
Also, as stated before I am using Advanced Nutrients Micro-Grow-Bloom at 20ml each per 14liters, along with a shot of Sensi Cal(Calcium and Magnesium supplement), at 20ml per 14liters. Is it alright to mix all these nutes into one feeding, or should the SensiCal be used at different intervals?
Are you giving this food everytime you water? If so, I reccomend switching up your schedule to water, water, feed and so on. Your plants are not showing signs of an iron deficiancy. The nutrients can all be mixed into one feeding but 20ml per 14 liters seems a bit hot.

Are your plants in flower cycle 12/12?

Coco retains quite a bit of moisture and nutrients so this medium is easy to get a build up in.


Well-Known Member
Are you giving this food everytime you water? If so, I reccomend switching up your schedule to water, water, feed and so on. Your plants are not showing signs of an iron deficiancy. The nutrients can all be mixed into one feeding but 20ml per 14 liters seems a bit hot.

Are your plants in flower cycle 12/12?

Coco retains quite a bit of moisture and nutrients so this medium is easy to get a build up in.
Yes, I am giving food everytime I water, I thought that might be excessive, so I am going to step back to your reccomendation of water, water, then nutes. I also think I will switch down to 10ml per 14 liters on my next feeding. I am wondering if I should do a complete flush of the plants just to be on the safe side? I would like to run a hose line straight up to my room and completely flush each of them with water from my tap, which is well water and runs a pH of 6.5 and ppm of 150, would this be ok?

My plants are not in flowering as of yet, I need to switch over to flowering soon, but I am a little hesitant due to the issues I am having, I would prefer they are healthy before I switch over to flowering.

I appreciate all the help and advice!


Well-Known Member
Also, as stated before I am using Advanced Nutrients Micro-Grow-Bloom at 20ml each per 14liters, along with a shot of Sensi Cal(Calcium and Magnesium supplement), at 20ml per 14liters. Is it alright to mix all these nutes into one feeding, or should the SensiCal be used at different intervals?
Feeding them bloom nutirents when they are not in their flowering cycle could be part of the issues you are dealing with at this time. Pull that part of your feeding system for now and just use your micro and grow. Between the micro and grow there should be enough cal/mag without having to suppliment with your cal/mag additive.

Yes, I am giving food everytime I water, I thought that might be excessive, so I am going to step back to your reccomendation of water, water, then nutes. I also think I will switch down to 10ml per 14 liters on my next feeding. I am wondering if I should do a complete flush of the plants just to be on the safe side? I would like to run a hose line straight up to my room and completely flush each of them with water from my tap, which is well water and runs a pH of 6.5 and ppm of 150, would this be ok?

At this point this is the best thing you can do for them. Use your tap water for the flush. Straight after your completed flush feed them 5ml of your micro and grow. Your meduim will be soaked by the time the flush is done but that is okay feed em anyway and then give them several days for their medium to get to a moist state. Remember coco retains moisture so it will take awhile for it to dry out some. One more thing, after the flush and once you mix your nutrients at 5ml strength remember to ph the solution to 6.5.

Do you have pics?
My plants are not in flowering as of yet, I need to switch over to flowering soon, but I am a little hesitant due to the issues I am having, I would prefer they are healthy before I switch over to flowering.

I appreciate all the help and advice!


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone! I am gonna flush with straight tap which I have checked several times and it is always a steady 6.5 on the pH. So, if I understand correctly completely flush out the medium then feed right after the flush, only the micro-grow at 5ml per 14liters? Let me know if I misunderstood? Also, if I am flushing with 6.5pH, and then adjust the pH to 6.0 when I feed them, won't this pH change shock the plants?


Well-Known Member
"*It's also VERY IMPORTANT to remember that when growing in Coco, you MUST pH at Hydroponic levels in the 5.5-6.0 range. pH ranges higher than this will result in plant deficiencies and nutrient lockout!"

taken from........

On their website, Canna recommend a PH of 5.2 to 6.2 in their coco.

So if I were you, I would be flushing at a lower PH than 6.5. This is PH for soil grows.



Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone! I am gonna flush with straight tap which I have checked several times and it is always a steady 6.5 on the pH. So, if I understand correctly completely flush out the medium then feed right after the flush, only the micro-grow at 5ml per 14liters? Let me know if I misunderstood? Also, if I am flushing with 6.5pH, and then adjust the pH to 6.0 when I feed them, won't this pH change shock the plants?

Go with Snowwhite's PH reccomendation for straight coco growing, best thing you can do. Apologies for suggesting you ph to 6.5 for your coco grow. I'm in 50% coco w/ 50% fox farm ocean forest soil. Plants accept a ph adjustment easily, it will not shock them.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the grea advice! I flushed the plants out and they all seem to be happy again.

I am still wondering about the lighter shade of green. I have two strains growing, Snowcap and Grapefruit Kush. The Snowcap is a darker green in color while the Grapfruits all seem to have a lighter shade of green color to them, I am starting to wonder if that is normal for the strain, since all the plants seem to be growing fast and healthy.

Other then that, I think everything is okay at this point.