IRS Union wants nothing to do with ACA


Well-Known Member
I always get a laugh when government employees want to get away from the very thing that they will be forcing on everyone else.

IRS employees have a prominent role in Obamacare, but their union wants no part of the law.

National Treasury Employees Union officials are urging members to write their congressional representatives in opposition to receiving coverage through President Obama’s health care law.

The union leaders are providing members with a form letter to send to the congressmen that says “I am very concerned about legislation that has been introduced by Congressman Dave Camp to push federal employees out of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program and into the insurance exchanges established under the Affordable Care Act.”

You really, really can't make this stuff up.
A slow motion train wreck.

It will be interesting to see how many remain on this train to hell, before it slams into the wall of reality.

Hope and change anyone?
They pushed full implementation off another year, they could do that for years to come. Limbo for health care.
They only need to push it off long enough to make it a full blown crisis and then they switch us to single payer government run healthcare...