Send Ann McLellan to COURT!

It's similar to the "renewable energy" scam. A bunch of politicians get into the wind turbine or solar panel business and then make legislation favorable to those companies. Canada is a free fraud zone. It's so insignificant as nations go that politicians figure they can get away with pretty much anything, and apparently they're right. There's also no point in expecting the other political parties to fight against the Liberal policies because they're all just as dirty as them. The Canadian political system is so stupid that it's dead easy for politicians to exploit and nobody be able to legally stop them. Where the hell else could a Government ram through such an idiotic bill as the Cannabis Act? Maybe some shitty third world nation like Uruguay.
Are you not American...?.... did your assbackwards country not just vote a racist sexist Bigot as president.... enough said
Lol my bad I was sure you said u were. your tinfoil hat must be fairly tight to think that Canada is insignificant as a nation. Well if you believe that load you may as well be American.... bob
So you think a nation of less than 40 mil people and which is mostly raw forest land or tundra is a big player on the world stage? Hardly. What Newfoundland is to Canada, Canada is to the world, something nobody even bothers to remember exists. And the political system is a joke. There are no checks and balances, like in the US, the PM can do whatever the hell he wants unless it's a minority Govt, and even then he still has full control unless the others want to do a non confidence thing and hold a new election, which isn't free or simple. Nobody voted for Trudeau to be PM. He was appointed by a representative of the Queen of England, a total nobody as far as Canadians are concerned. No Canadians voted for her either.
So you think a nation of less than 40 mil people and which is mostly raw forest land or tundra is a big player on the world stage? Hardly. What Newfoundland is to Canada, Canada is to the world, something nobody even bothers to remember exists. And the political system is a joke. There are no checks and balances, like in the US, the PM can do whatever the hell he wants unless it's a minority Govt, and even then he still has full control unless the others want to do a non confidence thing and hold a new election, which isn't free or simple. Nobody voted for Trudeau to be PM. He was appointed by a representative of the Queen of England, a total nobody as far as Canadians are concerned. No Canadians voted for her either.

LOL heres an idea. If its such a terrible country LEAVE. Move to Syria or Somalia or North Korea and tell me how your view changes. Fucken dumb putz, always a complainer. Also your complaints are with our parliamentary system not the country, might wanna learn the difference. Back on ignore for Bob the stupid is TOO strong with him
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So you think a nation of less than 40 mil people and which is mostly raw forest land or tundra is a big player on the world stage? Hardly. What Newfoundland is to Canada, Canada is to the world, something nobody even bothers to remember exists. And the political system is a joke. There are no checks and balances, like in the US, the PM can do whatever the hell he wants unless it's a minority Govt, and even then he still has full control unless the others want to do a non confidence thing and hold a new election, which isn't free or simple. Nobody voted for Trudeau to be PM. He was appointed by a representative of the Queen of England, a total nobody as far as Canadians are concerned. No Canadians voted for her either.
You ever been outside of the country, Bob? What makes you the expert on world opinion of Canada? I lived in Europe for 8 years...try telling the Germans or the Dutch that Canada is insignificant...You don't have a clue. Take a look at the cesspool that is American politics and tell me that's better than what we have. We have our Charter and the courts to keep control of government...and it works pretty well. Read up on the history of medical marijuana in Canada and explain again how government can "do whatever the hell he wants'. You must have forgotten about those checks and balances while expressing your hatred for your country, eh?
So tell me, why did Canadians flock to the polls in Oct.2015 if we didn't vote? I know I did. The queen does not appoint our PM...grow up. The Liberal party elected Trudeau s leader, but Canadians elected the Liberals as government. The queens rep. role is to smile and sign the papers.
Gentlemen. Let's remember the point here. McLellan should be sued for corruption. Not this troll you're arguing with. You're so easily confused!