Is 1.5 cubic feet


Active Member
of soil enough for 5 2 gallon pots? Im curious because im ording soil offline, and its very expensive so I dont want more than I need. But I need to have enough..any help would be appreciated very much.


Yes and no, 1.5 cu feet is about 7 and a half gallons, but if you're adding anything to your soil like perlite that should be plenty.


New Member
I cringe when I hear ppl are paying top dollar and shipping for soil.

Simply go to ur nearest commercial nursery and ask them for some or a direct source.

I use nursery soil, and now am growing a second harvest plant in the very same soil as the first. An errant seed dropped and sprouted after I harvested the mother. I decided to grow it right there with the dead root system left in place.

It's doing GREAT!!!

Don't get too hooked up on premium soil. The best ingredient is the grower.


Active Member
I just wanted to see what would happen if I did everything as good as I can this grow. Before I just used scotts soil from walmart, didnt ph my water, stuff like that. So I got a bag of ocean forest, and a ph kit. I already have the lights and stuff. but I did order a brand new bulb before I figured my old bulb had dimmed up a little since I first got it over a year ago