Is 104 watts good enough for a two plant small grow room?


Active Member
I will be using 4 26 watt cfl's throughout the entire grow since i will be using an autoflowering plant. [for money reasons i will be using cfl's.] Will 104 watts be enough for two plants in a small grow room?

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
They should be fine. I grew some autos with CFL's and it worked out good.I'm a big fan of cfl's for vegging.

Mama Kindbud

Well-Known Member
autos = autoflowering. They were low riders so yield per plant wasn't great but hey they finished quick and you can grow a shitload in a small space. Your yield can be determined by many factors. Light, soil, temps, PH of water etc. You should be fine but if your concerned get bigger CFL's. I use the 42 watt ones and love them. These are my girls with 6 42 watt bulbs on 3 plants there all heavily LST'd.

