Is 12/12 Best or Just Most Effective?


So, the plants go to flower at 12/12 nicely... But what if you have plants that will flower on 10 hours of night?

Do you get better growth with the minimum night you can have and still get healthy flowers, or is it the more night that's the trick up to 12 hours?



Active Member
think of it like this if you were cut back to say not your days full meal.would you gane much wait.12/12


bud bootlegger
i think that 12/12 is just more convenient.. there is a way to actually figure out exactly how much darkness it takes to trigger flowering in a marijuana plant, but it takes a bit of work and such on your part.. i read an article one time in like high times or skunk or somewhere that tells how to do this.. it included looking at charts for flowering times for outdoor harvesting of the strain that you want to grow.. say it says that your strain will be done in the first week of november.. you than count back however many weeks it takes for your plant to flower, lets just say ten for arguments sake.. count back ten weeks.. now you gotta look up in a farmers almanac for the info on how much daylight/ darkness there is for your area on that day... this will tell you exactly how much darkness is needed to trigger flowering in your strain and in your area.. i would think that an outdoor grow using the same strain and area that you would be using indoors would be very helpfull for data in this process..
i just think that 12/12 is a little easier, lol.. i am not sure if it is the most beneficial though... really good ?..


Active Member
soory didn't read all that that works after they have made flowers i'v did it had some far along had to put lights on 18/6.they finished with a smile


Active Member
What up oregon24. I was born in Medford, OR. What he is trying to say is, hell I have no idea what he is trying to But marijuana plants need 12/12 to trigger and to keep flowering(except autoflowering). I have heard of people trying like 10 on 14 off before to save energy with almost no loss in production. Not sure I believe it. You should go 12/12. any less darkness and it should stay in veg mode. word up


Thanks for the responses, guys!

Here's the thing... My strains go into full flower at 14 hours of sunlight... Your analogy about food, that's the question... In budding, the food is still photosynthesis, right? So, sun is still the production engine. The only reason it flowers at shorter daylight is because it thinks that seasonally it must to survive. But it doesn't become darkness that actually feeds the plant, right? Wouldn't that mean that I should flower at the point where I can, even if that's 14/10?

Also, I think the easier method for determining when your strain would flower would be to just incrementally shorten your day period, just like nature would... When you get a short enough day, flowers would form...

I'm sure there's something I'm missing that makes that all wrong, and I want to learn what it is, so please let me know what you think. Thanks!


Active Member
Thanks for the responses, guys!

Here's the thing... My strains go into full flower at 14 hours of sunlight... Your analogy about food, that's the question... In budding, the food is still photosynthesis, right? So, sun is still the production engine. The only reason it flowers at shorter daylight is because it thinks that seasonally it must to survive. But it doesn't become darkness that actually feeds the plant, right? Wouldn't that mean that I should flower at the point where I can, even if that's 14/10?

Also, I think the easier method for determining when your strain would flower would be to just incrementally shorten your day period, just like nature would... When you get a short enough day, flowers would form...

I'm sure there's something I'm missing that makes that all wrong, and I want to learn what it is, so please let me know what you think. Thanks!
whats up i didn't have my veg room ready at time so i just did what i had to do something i noticed when that little plant was on 18/6 in the same room with adults started to flower on 18/6 i ask my grower friend why ? it start to sprout he said from being around the adults kicked it into flower learned something that day 4 sure


Well-Known Member
nope he talking shit lol they were prob jus showing sex mate not flowering weeed dont flower at 18/6 it takes 12 hrs of darkness to flower plants work on dark hrs not light hrs

strain stalker

New Member
I have a video with Tim Fulgar (mj activest of Canada) from THC Labs, and he states that , you should up your lights to 13 - 14 hours during the last 2 weeks to up the THC production. You might find this dude on Youtube somewhere. Goodluck.


Well-Known Member
I have a video with Tim Fulgar (mj activest of Canada) from THC Labs, and he states that , you should up your lights to 13 - 14 hours during the last 2 weeks to up the THC production. You might find this dude on Youtube somewhere. Goodluck.
and throw a metal halide over it too, it bulds resee HARD, the plant sLOwLy dies and it builds THC to 'survive' then u kiLL It! hahahhaaaaaahahhahahahaha

but kep a red specrtum over it too


Good info, and thanks for the youTube suggestion.

I'm on my first indoor grow and do have a few other questions and would appreciate anyone's help... Here's a link to my grow thread where I have pics and a couple questions. Thanks a bunch!


Well-Known Member
their is atechnique that involves 12 off 24 on, inkepping wit 12 dark cycle but allowing extra growth during 24 hr on, its on this forum under advanced lighting techniques in the faq check it out if u interested but 12/12 is the way 4 me if it aint broke dont fix it


Yeah, I was wondering if you could alter the 24 hour day for a plant... You know, if growing weed was allowed as a science experiment, I'd have been all over the science fair projects as a kid!


Active Member
Keep it simple dude. 12 on 12 off. First indoor grow you will have plenty other things to worry Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
i know if u do 13/11 u have a larger yeild/longer flowering wait due to the 1 hr loss in the 12/12 due to more light energy, if u do 11/13 you will have a less flowering period wait and a less yeild. make sense to u ppl? anything outta of this is unknown on how it will affect flowering but test have been done with the 13/11 and 11/13. remember more light hrs (13/11 larger yeild longer wait/ 11/13 less wait less yeild.


Well-Known Member
i found that 13 11 works best. i know in nature plants do not get 12 hours uninterupted dark. not where i live anyway. so i guess its just a rule of thumb. with room for interpretation. ive tried 12 12 then 11 dark 13 light, then 13 dark and 11 light. i found that in veg 18 hours light 6 dark works best and in flower i go with 13 dark and 11 light. i dont think that when it comes down to it the hour really makes it or breaks it.