Is 12/12 From Seed Worth The Time Saved?


Well-Known Member
The reason it took a week or two to sex after the switch to 12/12, is the transition time. If you go 12/12 from seed, the plant will still need to become sexually mature before if shows, and you decide to grow or throw. It takes roughly a month for this to happen. The 12/12 thread will have alot of info in it for you. You will just have to wade through all the posts to find what you want. Or do like the rest and just ask. Being as you have bagseed, go for it. If it was a bought, stable strain, I wouldn't do it personally (12/12),as I would want the most bang for buck.
Thats why you buy regs, and make your own seeds ;)
if your running a 12/12 grow and your worried about losing money out of not vegging a bought seed, just veg it for a bit take some clones and start a mini perpetual grow. after youve gotten your mom plant to a decent size to get your cuttings she wont need as much light as she would if you were continuing to flower her. toss her in a seperate closet with a few cfls even to keep her alive or even take a clone as a new mom when you get tired of lookin at her. Viola youve turned your $30 seed investment into a never ending supply of dank. by the time you get some harvested and cured for smoke youll be choppin another down.