Is 14w LED BULB enough for seedling?


Hi there im a new grower and was just wondering if a 14w LED bulb warm white 2700k is enough light for a seedling currently on day 15


Well-Known Member
15 days from first set of leaves?
How does it look?
By 3 weeks you should be seeing significant growth.


Well-Known Member
How much watts for seedling
when growing hydro mind you i have been doing this for 15 years lol i sprout harden off with a t5 for 2 weeks then bang straight into a grow room on a 4 week phase you dont need to harden off you can go straight in along as it well vented and a constant 28c


Well-Known Member
websites like this has fucked cannabis growing to be honest and has turnt something we consider a weed into gold lol back before this site was still a dream we would use urine and all sorts as hydro chems


Well-Known Member
I have 2 cfl bulbs one 11w one 13w and a 14w LED bulb i am sorta broke atm and this is all I have I have put them all on and close to the seedling
Use the LED and buy this on Amazon or Home Depot for $10,

Hang it directly over your plant at around 12" and it will be fine temporally.
Oh, and your seedling needs some food ( a lite dose of Miracle Grow if you have nothing else) and some moisture (soil around plant seems dry)
Good luck


Well-Known Member
I used one of those bulbs for my seedling. No issues at all. If anything I think I used a 60 watt equivalent to be honest. Same 2700k.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 cfl bulbs one 11w one 13w and a 14w LED bulb i am sorta broke atm and this is all I have I have put them all on and close to the seedling
Cut the plastic diffuser cap off the min LED bulb
So it looks like this.then put it directly above your seedling and have a fan blowing across the top of the plant and the bulbs light to the plant.