Is 18hrs of light too much for fruiting?


Well-Known Member
I have had sucess with 12 hours, but my room that is warmer has 18 hr light schedule. I am not seeing a full flush. like they are stalled. My 12 hour room is cold, less humid, and the light is 3500K. My 18hr room has 6500&10000K mh. I use indirect light light... I am getting results but not like last summer.
The op is talking about shrooms, not cannabis. I don't have an answer though, canndo is our resident mycologist.
Well they only need 12/12 so yes. Also could be that you are using ambient lighting. Try using a 26w cfl on 12/12.
last summer I made made mono tubs out of totes designed for under bed storage. long and flat. I had a 400mh that I put in my flower room and I stacked totes under my flood table... Forgot about them, and they filled every inch of the tubs 2-3 oz each... Now I just have random Big mushs' instead of a flush... I may just add the MH to my flower room again.
You don't need 12 hours, oven just a few a day works, all you are doing is triggering them and then regulating their night.
I am not sure if the light had anything to do with this, but I had a tub with mature caps and they EXPLODED huge amounts of purple spores. They just crapped very dense rings. I have had 3-4 harvest and have not seen this.. How safe is it to post pics?? I live in a republican state with strict laws.
Has anyone ever thought of feeding a goat a rice cake with a spore print on it and feed it rye also? I am only missing the goat haaha.
I served as infantry during OIF2 under Bush's term, I have had Republican stuck up my ass for so long that I dont even know what a Dem looks like anymore... I really think our Federal gov is getting too big and controlling. dem and rep... I really dont know where I stand... Let the states have more power and let me decide what state to live in... Agreed about NSA...
I fruited 2 tubs in complete darkness. The only light they got was brief when i went in there to check on them. They all fruited fine.
if you do your homework shrooms grow on lunar cycles so when the moon is full they grow well so if you do have light it should be a cool light. nothin hot because it will dry up any moisture in your fruiting chamber
Seriously you guys are thinking way too much into this light thing. I just grew this beast and others like it in a completely dark room:
I see this is an old thread, but what the heck. I could not find a strait answer on this subject when I was looking into it. Here is what real world practice has determined: You do not need dedicated lighting of any kind. Ambient light from a ceiling lamp that is turned on whenever you happen to be in the room is fine. Ambient light that bleeds through closed blinds is fine. If you can see things in the room, you are okay. I presume that fruiting in total darkness would be fine, but that is something I am not familiar with. But I can tell you that it would be a pain in the ass trying to do whatever maintenance your tek requires behind a rack of old coats in total darkness.
technically light is needed but so little that you don't need A light. Ambient is fine, you will get smaller caps and longer stems in the absence of light.
The mushrooms only use light to discern which way is up so they can grow toward that direction. No photosynthesis like cannabis. You can use a freakin night light like what you use in the bathroom just to see enough to make your way to the shitter lol
Shrooms need evaporation to grow. That is why the dubtub tek is a mist and fan tek. It creates evaporation. Your pinset is determined by the evaporation from the previous flush. Evaporation causes hyphal knotting below the surface of the casing. You can see hyphal knotting when there is no casing applied. This among other things determines your pinset not light.
Shrooms need evaporation to grow. That is why the dubtub tek is a mist and fan tek. It creates evaporation. Your pinset is determined by the evaporation from the previous flush. Evaporation causes hyphal knotting below the surface of the casing. You can see hyphal knotting when there is no casing applied. This among other things determines your pinset not light.

if you can see anything, then you have allowed light to strike the organism. I have yet to see a flush occur in total darkness although I would not out it out of the realm of possibility in this mushroom.

I have seen flushes form in conditions of very low air flow in 100 percent humidity resulting extremely low transpiration rates.