Is 2C-I fun, or even worth trying?


I just got 40mg of 99.8% Pure 2-CI in the mail because it supposedly gives LSD or Mescaline like visuals/hallucinations and MDMA like empathogen properties. And before I try it I wanted to ask if it is fun or even worth trying, if it's not worth trying I'll sell it so no waste.

:peace: and :leaf:


Well-Known Member
time not everyone will have the same reaction and same interest 2ci is supposed to be the easiest one to transition into as its the least mind raping


New Member
It is but its just visuals big whoop. Makes ya feel empty

It is good forca first time tryer but id rec a small dose of 2cp personally


New Member
P isnt as bad really. Its like e but with out the major shitty stimulation feeling

E has a horrible comeup. But yeah your right i should be your first 2c. 2cb is my fav however. 2cc has major stim a d eiphoria its crazy


Well-Known Member
i only had the chance to try i and e and i can say if you can handle body load E is NICE and if your in a situation you cant handle body load i can come in handy but my source JUST got P so im thinking abotu getting a sample


Well-Known Member
I tried some last weekend. It was only 16 mg so I didn't get all that high. I mixed it with a little water and it tasted pretty bad. Surprisingly strong taste for such a small amount of material. There was low grade gastro discomfort through the whole thing, which made it unenjoyable for me. Maybe a higher dose would have been better, I don't know. I'd say about 20 would probably be good. After trying both 2C-E and 2C-I, I don't think I can tolerate the general sick feeling I get from them. Just doesn't seem to be worth it. It was always steady, start to finish. Just never did let up.

That's why I have decided to move on to the NBOMe versions of the 2C-X compounds. They have virtually no nausea or other unpleasant body load effects, from what I've read. That's exactly what I'm looking for, the visuals and euphoria without the constant body load of the 2C-X's. They make me feel like I've been poisoned and my body has to fight them off. Doesn't make for a fun time. I just got 25 mg of 25C-NBOMe. That's enough for at least 50 solid doses. It's incredibly potent, almost like LSD. 500 mcg is plenty. I can't try it until the weekend but I'll make a thread to report what it's like.

If you have a strong stomach then try the 2C-I. Otherwise let somebody else try it, I guess. It's about like mushrooms nausea wise. Most people do say they like 2C-I so maybe it was just me. If you're going to take it, I would split the 40 mg in two and take 20 mg.


Well-Known Member
I never got any sick feeling from 2C-I, but I haven't tried any of the other 2C series drugs. My first experience was pretty amazing, but it was combined with a couple hits of acid. Amazing night.
The second time I did was just the 2c-i, and I still had an amazing time.
Very red faces, alot of "did I just say that out loud" alot of "feels like my teeth are vibrating" and a VERY nasal experience as it effected everyone's sinuses.
But everyone felt it together and lots of love. Good times overall.

But i'm reading people are getting it in the mail? I can assume it's not illegal yet? AND if that's the case, where is it being ordered from? Cause i'd DEF like to get my hands of a few :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
If you've never had B it's alright from what I've heard. If you've had B the whole class feels like wannabe B impersonators. At least that's my experience. At least the duration isn't eternal like 2C-E.


I agree, I thought 2ci was pretty shitty. I really didn't feel any sort of MDMA high, and the visuals were very weak. Some of my friends I was with enjoyed it but we all agreed it was much weaker than expected.


Well-Known Member
To my knowledge, none of the other 2C series drugs are illegal EXCEPT 2C-B, however, if your caught with ANY 2C series drug, you may be prosecuted under the Federal Analogue Act.


Legal Status
by Erowid

Caution : All legal information should be verified through other sources. [see below]
Schedule I
Jan 6, 1994
2C-B is Schedule I in the United States. This means it is illegal to manufacture, buy, possess, or distribute (sell, trade or give) without a DEA license.

Australia #
2C-B is controlled in Australia and is also on the list of substances subject to import and export controls. See Australian Psychoactive Law.
Appendix B: Substances Subject to import and export controls
Belgium # 2-CB was added to the list of illegal psychotropic substances on April 30, 2002. See Brazil #
2C-B is listed as a controlled substance, making production, distribution, or possession illegal. It is reportedly uncommon in Brazil. (thanks P)
Estonia #
2C-B is Schedule I [reference]. (thanks TJJ)
The U.N. Narcotics Commission added 2C-B to Schedule II in March 2001.
Schedule III. Listed as 4--bromo--2,5--dimethoxybenzeneethanamine.
Scheduled Summer 1998. Until that time it was marketed as a sexual aid named "Performax".
Scheduled as a hard drug on July 9th, 1997.
Norway #
Schedule II as of March 22, 2004. Listed as 4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine. Norwegian Law Reference: (thanks RAS)
Poland #
2C-B is schedule I (I-P group) in Poland. (No Reference)
Spain #
2C-B was added to Category 2 prohibited substances in 2002. (see announcement of the Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo). (thanks B)
2C-B was placed in schedule I in Sweden on Jun 13, 2002. It was first regulated April 1, 1999 through a new law, concerning "Compounds dangerous to ones health", a type of "emergency scheduling". Swedish Law Reference.
Switzerland #
2C-B is listed in Anhang D of the DetMV and is illegal to possess in Switzerland. See We believe it was added to the controlled list on 1/1/2002, but do not have any documentation of that date. (thanks P) (last updated May 31, 2009)
2C-B is Schedule I in the U.K., making it illegal to sell, buy, or possess without a license.
If you have information about the legal status of this substance in any other country, please let us know.


Cool, Thanks! I tried all of my 2ci at once... tripped hard as fuck, and just got 65mg of 2ce in yesterday! I'm eager to try it!


New Member
Careful on the 2ce lol that shit it strong as fuck! I took 2mg and was tripping.

Anyhow out of all the 2c i tried 2cb is hands down the best. Though not as visual the euphoria and connectivity to that special someone or the bond if you and your friends take it is like being one whole being. Its insnae. I once did it in the forest while hiking with some friends and everything around me was like pulsating this lifeline force. It was phenomanal!


Which one would you recommend? I would love to try others!

I haven't had 2cB or 2cE but i like 2cD & 2cC Better than 2cI. The duration and body load of 2cI was a bit much in my opinion. Not as heavy as 2cT2, 2cT4, and especially not as intense as 2cT7. The thios seem to have a different flavor than the Halos. Want to try 2cP, but still like 2cD the best followed closely by 2cC.

If you want more of the entactenogenic effects i would recommend a phenethylamine like 6-APB or 5-APB. Smoking some good buds with the 6 makes it a bit more psychedelic than normal. The 5 is a nice social tool.

To be honest my favorite is aMT. It truly is the "Rolls Royce of psychedelics"


Well-Known Member
I just got 40mg of 99.8% Pure 2-CI in the mail because it supposedly gives LSD or Mescaline like visuals/hallucinations and MDMA like empathogen properties. And before I try it I wanted to ask if it is fun or even worth trying, if it's not worth trying I'll sell it so no waste.

:peace: and :leaf:
The visuals are far from the likes of LSD or Mescaline. The visuals are very unique to any compound I have taken. Most psychedelics have a wave of effects that take place. One minute your tripping the next you're relatively sober. 2c-i's visual seem to stick. Once the vision is there it'll stay with you for a short time before dissipating. I enjoyed 2c-i but I sense it has many drawbacks if you choose to abuse it!