is $50 worth it?

20 a gram not bad considering its 125 a bag...but one thing thou he gave it to me in the dispensary bottles with the family business label on it. not too smart id say...
Shit if i was a club owner id make my prices that high to..the buyers dont have a choice
yeah its sad. Some clubs know what is up and are very fair. I know a couple that are just about better than street pricing but you can only get an oz or 2 at a time. Ill don't mind paying 80bills for some og or 30 bux for some dank hash. Top shelf stuff goes for more though, I don't really think you can use the med clubs as a basis for pricing being that they are high priced overall....unfortunatly
i dont smoke regularly. so i dont have a circle of friends. im kinda a hermit. i moved to my ex wifes hometown when we got married and then divorced. and everyone knows her so i stay to myself as much as i can as to not have problems seeing my son...
20 a gram not bad considering its 125 a bag...but one thing thou he gave it to me in the dispensary bottles with the family business label on it. not too smart id say...
not smart?!? why do you say that? When some kid buys an eigth and then goes and smokes all his little buddys out and impresses them with the bottle that says 'so and so' chances are that if those people can find that place they would probably go to it over one that they haven't heard of.
Yeah, I know the FEDs think that it is illeagle but I think the people that runs the clubs know that the FEDs are there and they know the situation and with all the dough they are making off the club they have some nice lawyers... Are you scurred?
i dont smoke regularly. so i dont have a circle of friends. im kinda a hermit. i moved to my ex wifes hometown when we got married and then divorced. and everyone knows her so i stay to myself as much as i can as to not have problems seeing my son...
So you are not in Cali right? I feel for you man. If I were you I would smoke anything I could find!! Look into med cards for your state or one around you. That is the best way to go but you may get reamed:hump:
move=not seein my son. not an option. id say its not smart seein as im in the bible belt and HIM getting popped would be the biggest bust in history in their eyes. since hes mexican it would be a cartel thing and the dispensary would be labeled cartel owned. kinda makes since as him and his brother who owns it are gang members....
im from cali... moved a few hrs away from here for school. met my ex moved here n stuck now lol. going back to cali was my a disabled vet so i know if i wanted to i can get my card...