Is 91 degrees to high for my plants?


I'm gonna have to post some pics, But some of the leaves at the bottom are starting to get wrinkly.


Well-Known Member
Have you started flowering them? I guarantee you will have much fluffier buds when finished then you would if temps were in the 70s. You should really add CO2 if your temps are that high.
i have never heard of fluffy buds from high temps :confused: how do you know this? false info is never a good thing lol. i wanna see evidence



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Well it's a different story outside vs inside. CO2 is abundant outside with new, fresh air constantly enveloping the plant. Inside, the air can get stale even with a good intake/exhaust.
thats why i have mass amount of outside air entering my room


Well-Known Member
I think it is funny how freaked people get about temps. Weed grows like 10 feet tall and yields up to 10 pounds a plant in Mexico where it is hot enough to kill people and they are not running around freaking out. They are too busy trimming last years crop still.
ya but i dont grow mex shit i grow doesnt like it hot and doesnt come from hot countries


week into flowering! I notices that some leaves were getting wrinkled. But I soon realized that it was being caused by the fan blowing directly on it, I fixed that problem. She is now 23inches long doing real well. Here is what she looks like now. I also notices some ball like growths in one of the nodes and for a sec I thought that it was a hermie, but then I looked at all the similar growths and realized thats where the hairs are coming through. Tell me what you think.



Well-Known Member
My flower shack is always 2 degrees cooler than ambient, its 92 outside so its 90 in the shack. Everynight when the lights go on, I immediately check for stress and so far the only curled tips i've seen was on the first day they hit over 85 degrees. Since then my girls have been at the lowest 78 degrees for the whole week, next week its supposed to be in the 70s so back to business as usual. The high temps arent such a big deal, its the stagnant, hot air that really kills. High temps where you live? then the key is circulation, if you can keep fresh air moving over them they'll be fine, aside from the fluffy nugs of course .


Well-Known Member
i'm in soil and anytime i have high temps they drink more thus more nutes more water more growth. But if i could keep my tent at 78 all the time i would go with the lower temp