Is A Bug Repellent Really Necessary?


I am mentally preparing for my spring 2012 grow making sure i know everything i need to since it is my first real grow. I have not seen a lot of info on whether people find it necessary to use it and was just curious. So what do you think? Is it worth it to put the plants at risk, or is there a repellent out there that will do no harm to the plants?


Well-Known Member
Well you see, I guess it go by person but I leave all spiders cuz they eat pest and I actually put a few praymantis on each of my plants. However in the early stages I did use Caterpillar killer Safer brand spraying whole plant down and the early flowering buds to keep budworms away. But as my buds began to finish and develop crystals I stopped spraying them started watering with it with my feed rather than spraying.....

My smoke came out great, it was smooth and smells so good...even the ash tasted great. I'll definitely use Safer Brand caterpillar next year, I used about 4 1/2 bottles so far. Get it while you can because during peak budding all the stores were out, I had to make an out of town trip and drive over 100 miles to restock.


Well-Known Member
it depends really where you put them. I had mine in the woods, sprayed mine with Hot Pepper Wax not a single leaf was ate off of.


Active Member
I use sevin with great results. I now, it's not organic, but it does the trick. Once they start budding, I stop spraying.


Well-Known Member
I've tried several different products. So far I like Safer 3 in 1 the best. I wouldn't say it is absolutely necessary, but it is certainly worth the effort and the few extra dollars. I think I paid like $8 for it at the hardware store and got two years out of a bottle. Still have a little left actually. It's OMRI certified so I'm not really losing much sleep over using it. I stop using it in the last 2-3 weeks of flowering, but by then the bugs aren't nearly as bad anyway. Some guys have problems with caterpillars and budworms late in flower but I never had any issues with either of them.

If you do decide to use it, try not to spray them in direct sunlight. Never actually caused any apparent damage, but it did give the fan leaves this weird plastic look. Also, it washed away fairly easily so it's something you'll want to keep up on to get the full benefit. I generally start spraying immediately after taking them out to try to avoid serious issues before they can start.


Well-Known Member
Bugs have been worse than weather for me this year, next grow I am definitely being prepared and not waiting to be attacked.


Active Member
Check out this years grow journals and you will see that most were impacted big time by budworms. I Made the mistake this year of only spraying when I saw a problem and wound up losing a pound (at least) to them. From now on I'm all about weekly sprayings