Is a Soft Coup happening in the United States as we speak?

Fair enough.

Not like any of this means anything anyways.

the best part was when flaming pie unironically 'liked' your posts saying that's not how it works.

Look into it. Prove me wrong.

i was making fun of her the whole time.

fucking morons.


the only way he makes sense is if you view him as what he is, which is not a politician or someone who has any interest whatsoever in what happens to americans.

he is an over the hill, washed out celebrity just dying for attention and adulation.

when you realize that, everything he does makes sense.

Narcissism, a personality disorder diagnosed via comparison to a list of behavioral traits in the DSM- V.

On this list, he's a winner!
Mencken would have thought you are a potato.

What is it with you types? You all quote great men without the slightest understanding of their gestalt. Fucking pathetic. You are standing in the shadow of giants trying to reach the hem of their pants without success.

Can't you ever add anything positive here?

LOL, whaaaaaa ? You do realize that you are requesting "positive" content from a (barely) sentient sack of feces, yes?

Lifelong racist scumbag with ZERO regard for humanity SNITCHES on his friends and gets raped by those he HATES and FEARS most....rinse and repeat and score one for karmic justice.....
Can't you ever add anything positive here?

Nobody cares about that shit.

You do realize I was answering a question that was asked of me? Don't you? Obviously someone cares.

As if everyone else here is full of intellect. Every single person posting in politics us a troll.