Is a Soft Coup happening in the United States as we speak?

I guess you were a pussy all along. Get busted immediately start snitching. Go to prison and volunteer to eat ass and suck cock.
Dude learn to keep your mouth fucking shut. Does your son realize what a puss puss you are ? Has he ever mention Uncle Jody to you ?

I love the fact that I'm so deep in your head. Of all the people, over all the years, you are the one most obsessed with me. For the rest of you're life you will be overly concerned with what you think happened. You seem to forget though, I was there. I lived it. Your opinion is just that, an opinion. You mean shit to me. Rage on little monster, rage on.
I love the fact that I'm so deep in your head. Of all the people, over all the years, you are the one most obsessed with me. For the rest of you're life you will be overly concerned with what you think happened. You seem to forget though, I was there. I lived it. Your opinion is just that, an opinion. You mean shit to me. Rage on little monster, rage on.
Think of him the next time you eat ass against your will. That'll show him.
Facts are facts, regardless of what some shitstain regurgitates on the internet. London can try all he wants to convince me what happened. Doesn't change what happened though. I know exactly what happened, I was there. I have no idea what his intent is but I give him props for sticking to it.
So much personal attacking on here.

Today a press conference was held by the investigating unit about Obama's brith secret and it has been determined that it is indeed a falsified document. Have a look. The implications are mind numbing when you think about what this means!

So much personal attacking on here.

Today a press conference was held by the investigating unit about Obama's brith secret and it has been determined that it is indeed a falsified document. Have a look. The implications are mind numbing when you think about what this means!

It means you are a moron that will believe anything these lying bastards will tell you. Nothing new.
So much personal attacking on here.

Today a press conference was held by the investigating unit about Obama's brith secret and it has been determined that it is indeed a falsified document. Have a look. The implications are mind numbing when you think about what this means!

The. 01% has already accumulated all the power in this country. It doesn't matter who we vote for, the primary process is rigged to nominate the establishment candidate. Then they'll let the little people choose between the approved options and say, "See? It's democracy!"
Trump already said he made it all up..did this guy not get the memo?
Nah, old Joey Jo Jo lost his election and will probably be going to jail. but such is the state in this country that he knows he can become a hero to the idiot Trump voters and get money on his commissary card.

He's a bigger cunt than Pie even. bet she loves him.

hey Flaming Pile, is Joey Jo Jo so fab?

Did you watch that shit? Some sad mother fuckers in Arizona, I'll tell ya what.