Is actual GROWING experience a requirement to be a moderator?


Well-Known Member
i'm gonna talk a tiny bit'o'shit for a moment. there was this dude on here called BalZac. total tool. shit for real knowledge. shit for threads. zero proof of legitimate experience. but a mod all the same. fuck that dude, and fuck the system that let him be a mod.

other than that, i haven't run into a mod who doesn't have at least a few grows under their belt. PROVEN GROWS that is. although what can we really call proof? somebody could just be pulling pics from some other forum out there in e-space and claiming it as their own.

by the way; I'm a gorgeous model. 5'11", natural blonde, 32-24-36, green eyes, perfectly shaped vagina, perfectly sized nipples, and the sexiest ass you'll ever see.

Know what I mean?


Well-Known Member
@perfectly shaped vagina

Yea that's a good case in point.

Sounds like we need a moderator to moderate who gets to be a moderator


Active Member
Well, I certainly understand where you are coming from, and I have seen those same tendencies here to the same extent, especially the "mentally incompetent" and "I can't be banned, Ima sic my wanna-be Goon Squad on you, so I can ban you" versions of the moderator, rather than a true moderator (you know, the dude whose not supposed to take sides or start drama), but there are those rare few that are dedicated, take the role seriously, and carry the burden of responsibility, for whom I have the utmost respect and give my thanks.

Having said that, I wish the rest would read the definition below, and not offer advice <cough bullshat cough> on a subject they know nothing about other than what they have read on the forums, or start drama for the sake of getting the attention they did not receive as a child.

Definition of MODERATOR

1: one who arbitrates : mediator

2: one who presides over an assembly, meeting, or discussion: as
: the presiding officer of a Presbyterian governing body
: the nonpartisan presiding officer of a town meeting
: the chairman of a discussion group

(oh, and just to be clear, I IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM WANT TO BE A MODERATOR)
Agreed, I use give people a big speech right before I modded them. You never know how someone's going to behave given a little internet power. I've had pretty chill people turn into drama queens picking fights and dropping people's Ip's and sign up information in the chat to show how 'cool' they are. Hence why I refuse to give mod out anymore, that and no one wants to do the singular thing they're supposed to use it for - keeping the site tidy.


Active Member
Just say the buzz words, Fox Farm.
That will prove to everyone how much you know! Or how little you know!