Is anyone familiar with these nutrients/ferts?


Active Member
I'm growing in coco choir and i was trying to figure what would be the best but cheapest nutrients to use. I've been using Nectar for the gods nutrients and would like to change because it don't give me an accurate ph reading from the ph drops.

-Eleanor's Organic VF-11 Plant food 0.15-0.85-0.55
-Liquid Kelp Fertilizer
-Miracle-Gro Liquid All-Purpose Concentrate plant food 12-4-8
[h=1]-Miracle-Gro Liquid cactus plant food 2-7-7[FONT=Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif] [/FONT]
-Vigoro All purpose Liquid Plant food 10-10-10
- Miracle-Gro Bloom Booster 15-30-15
- Osmocote smart release 19-6-12
- Dynamite All purpose plant food 13-13-13
[/h]- Medina Hastagro plant

Like i said i'm using coco choir soil so are any of these nutrient good? And which one is the best



Active Member
Not a pro by any means but the 10-10-10 is best for vegging me thinx.
With a shot of call-mag.
I used Jack Classic 20-20-20 and the girls loved it.
Using Jack Blossom booster now in flowering and once again getting great results.
Monitor your PH with each feeding and don't water till dry !! (Pot feels light)
I'm in soil though.


Active Member
Well unfortunely those are the only nutes available for me im not going to the hydro store by me anymore they are OP. The only place by me is home depot and all those choices above are from home depot. there are more those are just the ones i looked up on and seen people talk about but i just wanted to kno which is the best.


Well-Known Member
Of all those nutes the only one that I would use is the 10-10-10, if I was forced to use any. Cheak out General Hydroponics nutes. Simple, stable, and good. This is what I would recommend. Peace


Active Member
Thanks for the reply man. I've actually just talked to someone about General Hydroponic nutes and that u don't have to adjust the ph the only thing is idk where to buy it at!! I really would love to use it too. but can't find it and don't own a credit card to buy it online.


Active Member
Ah crap i forgot to mention in the thread that I started 12/12 already so im looking for nutes suitable for budding! Sorry guys!!!


Active Member
I've tried b4 and i ended up calling them asking them why the fuck can't i buy what i want online they told me they don't do out of country payments of some shit like that