Is anyone growing tobacco? Any tips for a beginner?

Got the tobacco and the wife shredded some up using the friend's almost $200 tinny looking shredder and it comes out very fine and very long. Pretty hard to hand roll and I'm a good roller. I had read in tobacco forums about using a pasta maker so we tried ours. Still long and stringy but way thicker then she runs it thru cross-ways and it's easy to roll that way.

I find it has a bit of an odd after-taste. Not horrible but almost like a hint of burning plastic or something. Maybe from the vacuum sealed plastic bag it comes in and will dissapate after a while once shredded and allowed to air a bit.

Bit damp and hard to keep lit too but that's easy enough to fix. :)
Sounds like it wasnt cured well enough
I grew some a few years back. I was field growing, so had some serious bug issues. I learned the hard way that what we call horned tomato worms are really horned tobacco worms. The few culls I had planted in Mamma's flowerbed were the only ones to make it. Her chickens kept the worms ate off them. It was too long ago for me to remember what strain it was.
Also I'm Native Americans so it just feels natural doing it
I had been raised on stories of the Creek Indian blood in my family tree. Most of my adult life I have dabbled in the religion, which was why I wanted to grow tobacco anyway. I used it in my sweat lodge and for prayers.

Fast forward 20 years, and the wife and I got our DNA done by 23 and Me. I'm 98.5% Western European, while less than .1% Native American. {I am one white mommy tapper} I still say my prayers to The Creature, and ask the Grandfathers for guidance. But these days I send my prayers up with canna smoke.
I had been raised on stories of the Creek Indian blood in my family tree. Most of my adult life I have dabbled in the religion, which was why I wanted to grow tobacco anyway. I used it in my sweat lodge and for prayers.

Fast forward 20 years, and the wife and I got our DNA done by 23 and Me. I'm 98.5% Western European, while less than .1% Native American. {I am one white mommy tapper} I still say my prayers to The Creature, and ask the Grandfathers for guidance. But these days I send my prayers up with canna smoke.

That's crazy story man I need to get my blood tested soon for sure.
I did this once, and during the drying phase there was an attack of tobacco beetles, so gross full of all stages their life cycle, little white larva things and their body casings and little cacoon things embedded into the tobac. freakin gross, watch out for those little monsters my advice to you. read in detail about how to avoid this before you get there.

Growing your own tobacco = AWESOME!
Nice i want to grow mapacho tobacco

Mapacho, is not a specific variety but a end use.

Their can actually be many different varitys in mapacho depending on how ever makes it. But their almost always rustica or primitive variety

Check out NorthWood seeds, they supply the bulk of tobacco seeds to other suplyers and sell small amounts at good prices
Mapacho, is not a specific variety but a end use.

Their can actually be many different varitys in mapacho depending on how ever makes it. But their almost always rustica or primitive variety

Check out NorthWood seeds, they supply the bulk of tobacco seeds to other suplyers and sell small amounts at good prices
I ordered a couple Rustica varieties to make mapaco with, Northwood e? My favorite so far has been sustainable seed Co.
Mapacho, is not a specific variety but a end use.

Their can actually be many different varitys in mapacho depending on how ever makes it. But their almost always rustica or primitive variety

Check out NorthWood seeds, they supply the bulk of tobacco seeds to other suplyers and sell small amounts at good prices
Wow they are cheap! Thank u!