Is anyone here in a Stoner Relationship?

Yours was better. Haha

hahahah. You're awesome. I love that you're a crazy cat lady.

What was that dating thing?

Ooooh...this is fitting for the thread.

Hey Abe it's your dream woman:

Whoa. Maybe I should give up dating. I've had my run-ins, but that chick is crazy!
It's apple-flavored crown and light beers aren't so hot.

Each year i spend 0.00$ on alcohol, so maybe I shld keep my trap shut. Another thought- I haven't had a hangover in 18 years :wink:
Crown is my liquor of choice and actually that's the first time I tried apple.. Delicious
This is mostly about drug marketing and although there was some omission of ineffective treatments that were exposed, it has been proven effective in some areas. I have personal experience with it working.

LOL placebo effect for the win but hey whatever floats your boat trolls indeed
LOL placebo effect for the win but hey whatever floats your boat trolls indeed
What are you talking about? Not a troll and I can guarentee its effectiveness was not placebo. Even your old link does not discount it totally.

Is prednizone a placebo? I was given that first and told it would help me. Didn't. I was given the Gaba and was told it would help me. Didn't. Then about 6 weeks later I had a significant improvement that i did not even attribute to the Gabapentin. Couple weeks after that i had an EMG that showed no improvement and I questioned the Neurologist asking why was it showing no improvement when physically there was. He told me something he had failed to when I started the drug. Gabapentin will take 5-7 weeks before relief is seen. You following?