Is anyone old enough to remember

ACE in Spain has many landraces and offers awesome Panamas and Asians. These are not for beginers for the most part. Most need skills plus training or scrogging to pull off indoors. Their panama red put sweat on my brow and sent waves of tingle rushes from head to toe lasting hours. I smoked some done outdoor in n Florida that made me want to move to the country and use gods HID.
I have asked that question for years and no one knows what I am talking about!! Monkey Paw was real smoke! nothing compared then or now!! Sigh....the good ol days....
Dont tell me I'm the only one that was smoking back in the 70s and 80s

I began smoking pot in the late 60's, either 68 or 69, I just cannot remember for sure since it was so very long ago.

I only remember that it was before Woodstock and that was August 18, 1969.
Yes, I am old enough to remember. I also had a boss some years ago that told me while he was living in Hawaii him and some friends bought a 1/2 lbs of monkey paw x Acapulco gold and he had some seeds in the freezer. He offered, I took. They were in a film canister in his freezer labeled 1978. I took them home, soaked in H2O2 for 24 and got 2 out of 30+ to germin. I put these outside and as luck would have it, they died within a week. It is a shame, that is the closest I came to enjoying the paw again since I was a wee lad.
Thanks to all that keep this treat going . I lost the stain when I got raided last month . pissed me off . But they didnt get my grow, but I had to pull everything before they got there and got rid of all my shit . But I'm up and running again . So Good Luck to all and keep growing.
P.S. If anyone know where I can get some more of these seeds , please PM me
Back in the days i never had any names of what i was growing but that was along long time ago when the weed was full of seed.days i don't wanna ever go back but i can remember when skunk first hit the streets off my city shit we all thought we had died and gone to heaven.
I remember monkey paw from the 80's and once you've seen that plant you never forget it or the couchlock that it is famous for. And yes it's still around, I am in the process of getting some soon (hope it's the real deal) with any luck and a lot of cash.:weed:
Back in the days i never had any names of what i was growing but that was along long time ago when the weed was full of seed.days i don't wanna ever go back but i can remember when skunk first hit the streets off my city shit we all thought we had died and gone to heaven.

I would go back in a second if I could. To be able to smoke real true Dalat and Panama Red and Acapulco Gold and Colombian Gold Malawi Gold and a few others would be a real treat for me. To me the landrace sativas of the era beat hell out of any indica or indica cross that can be found today and were better than almost all if not all the sativas or predominantly sativa crosses of today.

They were true rocket-sled rides, a Bugatti Veyron-like soaring clear motivational head-high instead of the mind numbing body-incapacitating Yugo-like stone what for some inexplicable reason so many people today believe to be good.
Well I went back to the guy I got my seeds from . He laughed at me for not dusting my females . But he gave me some more Monkey paw seeds . Lol had to put a new roof on his house for them . But I now have them and thier growing nicely. Live and learn He also gave me some pollin to dust some of my females with .
I first started smoking in 1990....thats when 'homegrown' meant the worst pot that you can smoke. Columbian gold was around, and it looked like good mexican brick, but it was litterally yellow in color.

And then I smoked what was called Monkey paw...Essentianly it was 'kind bud' before kind bud had a name. And it was always my understanding that it was called 'monkey paw' because the crystals coated the leaves so thick, that the leaves looked like a bunch of hands grabing the outside of the bud, or a bunch of 'monkey paws'.

Then around 1991-92, Skunk bud hit the market, then the year after northern lights hit the market...It was around this time that I first heard the term 'kind bud' and almost had a heart attack when I heard the price was $100/quarter
Thanks for the reply Davetrollson , But Monkey Paw has been around for along time. The first time I smoked it was back in 75. Small buds but very dank . Its a sativa landrace strain . I had though I lost the strain a few months back when I got raided. But managed to hook back up with the guy I got them from . Now I have 12 nice plants thriving . I got one male that I took pollen from and dusted one plant completely . Its in its own grow box . So soon I will have my seeds and wont lose the strain again.
I smoked monkey's paw in the 11th grade, almost 20 yrs ago. I havent forgotten it either!! That was the best high I have ever had. I was blown out and my legs kept twitching and jumping. Yeah, mail me a clone, k?
Back in the day... about the only thing available in my area was Columbo Gold, Jamaican red, Maui waui, and Mexi brown.

There just weren't a hundred different strains running around.... it wasn't that commercialized.
Oh.... yah RN4MM ... we have our own dog sniffers....for cops.

Meet Johnny Organic!! :lol:
These clowns come out of the Academy thinking they are Joe Friday.

I can imagine a conversation in the squad room.

"It's a piece of doughnut, Barney. Just turn on your Googlebox and go to a pothead webplace and try to get one of them to sell to you. They are so stoned they don't know who they are talking to."
Yes monkey paw was a name of a smoke back around late 70s early 80s and was one of the many top of the line smokes from back then along with, brown sensi, mawee wawee, acupolco gold, panama red, chocolate thai, regular golden colored thai, hawaiin, red bud, haze, but does anyone remember hearing the name hay gold? was a gold as gold could be and was not dyed, out of what i can remember the strongest and most exotic was, the thai and brown sensie, along with monkey paw, every name i listed tasted and looked so very different from each other, unlike most home growns out today, i am not saying todays stuff is bad at all, but is not the same.....