Is anyone talking about the DEA raids in SD (again)


Well-Known Member
Folks...I haven't been on here for a while. But I keep running into fellow smokers that think Obama is/has/will fly in on a helicopter to save the Medical Marijuana Community.

Once again San Diego clubs have been raided by the Feds. Three of them.

The clubs that got shutdown are pretty well established, reputable businesses.

I think now that 2 years has gone by in the Obama administration many are seeing that he is doing nothing.


New Member
The DEA doesn't do any raids on their own... the police in SD have to call them in since they are not allowed to legally touch them.


Well-Known Member
There is big money to be made busting collectives and such as it is a very cash based business and LEO can confiscate cash and use such to further its agenda.


Well-Known Member
as far as i know dea and feds cant bust in on california anymore. like someone said above me they have to be called in. you said they were clubs? isnt the weed sold at a dispensary? so you have a bunch of med card holders at the club? i dont know they have another agenda for busting in clubs rather than dispensaries.


Well-Known Member
Good lord people. The article said "The DEA raided..." Club is slang for dispensary/collective. I look at actions, not words. The DEA is prosecuting this case.


Well-Known Member
people need to get informed people still go to jail for growing weed everyday in cali. Look on normal lat week a woman was raided in humbloldt for 99 plants, they siezed here computer, bank accounts , cars and house. And yes the feds still come in on collectives every day. The martin county task force has been doing daily raids in there county, daily......takeing patients plants and dried case you havent learned already the fucking pigs can do anything they want.


Well-Known Member
Nice reply brick. Many out of staters read something and even hear it from the politicians and assume it's real. All the talk and hype about Obama and the DEA being MMJ friendly has fizzled out completely in Cali. A club in OC used to have staff with Obama jerseys...the whole nine. They worshiped the man when he got into office. Now...his name isn't mentioned.

It's really amazing to me how this gets zero press.

Either the DEA has no respect for Obama's words or Obama just flat out said that for votes. Probably a little of both.


Well-Known Member
Obama never said he was pro mj. This is one of those issues Obama tiptoed around and for some reason a bunch of stoners thought he was legalizeit when he never said that or endorsed it.


Well-Known Member
I nevery said he was pro MJ either...

He said he wouldn't have the DEA rait Medical MJ facilities that are following states guidelines. I can assure that any club in San Diego is moving far less product and has far fewer plants than most Bay Area clubs.

Here is a link to the article. The bottom line is he said one thing and is doing another. No tip toeing, just lying.

"Supporters of programs to provide legal marijuana to patients with painful medical conditions are celebrating Attorney General Eric Holder’s statement this week that the Drug Enforcement Administration would end its raids on state-approved marijuana dispensaries."