Is Anyone Watching The Show Dea


Active Member
man that basement had me soooo drooling!my largest 5x5 closet grow seems like nothing compared to that one!i bet them narcs put those plants in the trash bags to take home and get high on,dipsh*ts!


Well-Known Member
i saw the RAID...damn....300 plants...looked like he was growin dank too...not some stress shit.....dude had plenty of weed...smokin all day


Well-Known Member
shhhiiitttt...they showed some bagged shit he had..looked mid or dank..idk fuck could care less if it was stress..dude was plugged like a mo fo


Active Member
yeah they already had a tip on him and used the heat to nail him, he wasn't ducting right, had to much, was across from a fucking school, his pants were all stretched out. I feel bad for the guy but he was doing it all wrong.

Muddy Paws

Well-Known Member
yeah they already had a tip on him and used the heat to nail him, he wasn't ducting right, had to much, was across from a fucking school, his pants were all stretched out. I feel bad for the guy but he was doing it all wrong.
You're right! If he would have had proper ducting, it would have kept the room cooler and reduced his signature on the IR. He was all-around stupid for setting up across from a school though...phenomenally stupid.

He had tiny little popcorn buds too..rookie grow, all the way. Doesn't matter how good your equipment is if you don't know how to set it up and use it properly.


Well-Known Member
I watched it one time and i can't watch it again because it pisses me off so fucking bad. fuckin dea why the fuck don't they get a real job instead of fucking up peoples lives.


Well-Known Member
My favorite line from resovoir dogs, "Did you tag anybody?, Yea, a couple cops, "no real people though?" Nope." There is something to be said about what people do for a living. Don't buy the, "I'm just doing my job" bullshit. Thats what the guards at aushwitcz said too. People who make their living off other people's taxes have zero accountability. What the fuck are you going to do to protest it?


Well-Known Member
Why do you guys watch that shit,it's like in prison,stupid asses watch the hell out of cop's,i'd think the last shit growers would want to watch is some dea bullshit.

You guy's who watch that shit do realize that by watching that crud you boost ratings,by boosting ratings the show continues to another season,maybe if people stopped watching that brain pudding they'd cancel the shows,then maybe it would take some of the profit out of busting people.


Well-Known Member
I watch it to see how other people make mistakes and get busted so i don't do the same thing. Just like the grow op that they busted. I also like to see their SOP. It's called counter intelligence. It is always a good thing to know how they operate and to know what they are thinking.


Well-Known Member
I agree I hate that sure is different when it happens to you. I never want to see anybody get busted its hart breaking.


Well-Known Member
imo everyone should just grow for personal use. If you're distributing of course the government want you... thats money you arent paying taxes on. everyone should just learn to grow themselves and invest the money to support their own habit. its not very often the DEA is going to target Joe Shmoe who grows 8-20 plants in his house, unless of course you're a loud mouth and tell everyone you know about it!

still sucks tho. what a waste of 300 plants :-\


Well-Known Member
Stupid fucken cop.
"yah we did a good thing today. that guy was making a lot of money""
