Is being a dealer hard and stressful ?

If they are such savages they can't wait till morning they are high risk and not worth losing sleep over.
Drugs sell themselves and there is an ass for every seat.
Fuck that guy he tells annoyingly boring stories anyway
"savages" lmfao
lol dont get upset now

a dealer isnt by definition a grower

i have 6 grow houses btw and have sigificantly more plants than i guess your ass uming . i fully understand where your coming from. i also have a job in drug design and run a ~500 head angus ranch as well as many other stressful and time consuming activities that require my attention
Dog, hook it up with some angus, il trade $ or gummy bears lol
ive always operated as professionally as possible. and generously,, but i dont sell to avg people, typically i sell to dealers whether soft, green etc
call in advance, meaning not day of, i habe other people to tend to, its a job afterall. if i dont deliver when i say, ill knock the price down. phone is always on me, call anytime within daylight hrs. dont text. never pinch, use an accurate scale that gives .00 good prices. speak intelligently, know the product. if i havent heard from you in a while i may make a courtesy call and offer a deal. ill tell you if my number changes, when i get a new or exceptional shipment

problem is most are drug dealers because theyre fairly lazy and too incompetent for other equally/better paying jobs
lol dont get upset now

a dealer isnt by definition a grower

i have 6 grow houses btw and have sigificantly more plants than i guess your ass uming . i fully understand where your coming from. i also have a job in drug design and run a ~500 head angus ranch as well as many other stressful and time consuming activities that require my attention
lol dont get upset now

a dealer isnt by definition a grower

i have 6 grow houses btw and have sigificantly more plants than i guess your ass uming . i fully understand where your coming from. i also have a job in drug design and run a ~500 head angus ranch as well as many other stressful and time consuming activities that require my attention
Sorry man for my rave, I apolligize. Nothing personal against you, but my wife gave me the same shit the other day, (she's a school teacher) "Oh, all you do is grow pot". Yea right, and make more money that she does, and I don't sit on my ass all summer(lol)
i was a shit dealer. but i was 17-19 so whatever.

i did however put hello kitty stickers on my dime bags to make them more "cute"
so you can see where this went and yes i totally .9'ed people

whatever lol everyone still bought from me anyways, and everyone in our little group always fronted the baggies, you .9'ed the product and than you had some extra left over for your troubles

teenagers...we were so stupid lol
Nope, the customers were the stupid ones and actually for a high schooler getting fronted decent bags is worth losing a tenth
Nope, the customers were the stupid ones and actually for a high schooler getting fronted decent bags is worth losing a tenth
we ALL .9ed in that city at least for dimebags ...

you often got the full shebang when it was a larger quantity the people would request you bring your scale
and you would scale it on their scale, your scale, and a mutual parties scale
so that everyone was happy with the deal than youd blaze up and drink some beer and shoot the shit lol

but that was for the larger quantity shit
im thinking about getting real hard into veggie growing when i move, maybe ill go sell at the farmers market.


i know guys watch out im the next biggest drug dealer.
If by drug dealer you mean selling vitamins enriched foods then ok are a drug dealer:P
Nope, the customers were the stupid ones and actually for a high schooler getting fronted decent bags is worth losing a tenth
If your getting a front its my policy to short a bag. Unless its a big quantity.

20rocks and such I dont even scale anymore. Kmlearned to eye and no one complains.

Also if you owr money and cany pay just call and say rhe new date but don't be trying to dodge me or it just gets written off and you lose me as a contact.

Some people into large sums. But end of yhe month they give me the whole welly cheque and then wr start again.
I saw a study done on naps. People that take naps live longer than those that don't.
Sometimes your body needs a couple extra hours to help relieve the stress or fatigue.

We aren't meant for 6-8 hours of sleep a day. We need 8-10 hours for good health.

Lack of sleep, stress, high activity/exercise all increase the need for naps.

We generally start to drink coffee when we are sleepy, even though it is your body's way of telling you to reboot with a nap. Or we make ourselves stay up so we have more time to spend with the hubby or friends.