Is Biden ready to kick ass?

Didn't somebody "ride" Harris and that's how she got her start in her career?

I mean before she became a persecutor, she was probably just sitting around smoking weed, listening to tunes that hadn't come out yet and thinking how stupid weed prohibition is and somebody should do something about it etc.

Gabbard smacked that bitch down!
Never miss an opportunity to spew the same garbage that they’re spewing on all the neo nazi websites ya dumbfuck pedophile!
I googled Gabbard after the debate to find meme templates for relentless roasting but I found a bunch of breitbart articles praising her instead. Now I'm hearing how popular she was on google after the debate as if it's an accolade.

She's trash.
Odd that absolutely every other industrialized nation has universal healthcare and do quite well. You have zero solutions. None. You just see problems but no way out. Another ignorant troll fuck. You, Squarefuck, f series - never a solution. Just wah wah wah and GOVERNMENT! Three of the absolute most useless pieces of shit ever. Especially here.

Then do yourself a favor, and put all three of them on ignore, and never click on Show Ignored Content.

You'll be much happier ...

and so will we! :lol:

I never mentioned her fake anti-interventionism. She's a Russia-bot because she parrots Russian media talking points so that Breitbart can post glowing editorials about her.

As if Russia wasn't dropping bombs all over Syria and waging war against Ukraine...
I know she’s not American. When she said, “what flavor does unclebucks dick have”, I knew she wasn’t from here. Who talks like that?
Odd that absolutely every other industrialized nation has universal healthcare and do quite well. You have zero solutions. None. You just see problems but no way out. Another ignorant troll fuck. You, Squarefuck, f series - never a solution. Just wah wah wah and GOVERNMENT! Three of the absolute most useless pieces of shit ever. Especially here.

When you say "universal healthcare" what you're really saying is you're incapable of running your own life and want a super daddy to do it for you.
That would be okay, it's your life, but you don't stop with blessing super daddy to run your life. You want to impose that on other people too, without their individual consent.

If you want to get laid, is your solution to cast aside another persons consent and force them to go along with you, even if they prefer not to ? What does your Psychologist friend make of that behavior? Will you be featured in a book?
