Is Biden really that bad?

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I fully understand the difference between being privileged and being a criminal. Pay to play is Hunter's and the entire Biden family's game. Can't spell it out any more clear than that. Did you even read the emails or watch the interview with Hunter's former business partner? Very clear that he's peddling influence for money.
Hunter Biden is allowed to run a charity in the state of New York. Do you know why the trumps can’t?
How is it super weird when my contention is Biden and his family are crooks? Hunter Biden peddled influence to Ukranians, Chinese, etc. The emails on that laptop make it clear Joe was involved also. They're not even close to the same thing in my book.

Did you read those email to make this decision? oh and by the way Hunter was cleared by 3 different republican panels, did you know that......
Based on this, you don't man.

Whatever you say professor. Privilege isn't the same as criminality. I can have my rich daddy groom me for business, etc. It's not the same as going to a foreign country and selling your dad the president or vp's ear to an oil company.
Whatever you say professor. Privilege isn't the same as criminality. I can have my rich daddy groom me for business, etc. It's not the same as going to a foreign country and selling your dad the president or vp's ear to an oil company.
What about withholding aid to a foreign country to get dirt that is to be manufactured against your primary political opponent

Asking for the majority of Americans?
Did you read those email to make this decision? oh and by the way Hunter was cleared by 3 different republican panels, did you know that......

He's not cleared of shit. He hasn't been charged, that's a long way from being cleared. I did read some of the emails and I did see the interview with his business partner. Did you?

I don't even like Trump. But he's a much better choice based on my beliefs and values than any of the dems at this time.
He's not cleared of shit. He hasn't been charged, that's a long way from being cleared. I did read some of the emails and I did see the interview with his business partner. Did you?

I don't even like Trump. But he's a much better choice based on my beliefs and values than any of the dems at this time.
If Trumps goons found anything they would have shown it far and wide
Since they failed they tried a coup
He's not cleared of shit. He hasn't been charged, that's a long way from being cleared. I did read some of the emails and I did see the interview with his business partner. Did you?

I don't even like Trump. But he's a much better choice based on my beliefs and values than any of the dems at this time.

actually i did.....and since those republican panel found nothing that's the reason he wasn't charged.....even his buisness partner as well.....
He's not cleared of shit. He hasn't been charged, that's a long way from being cleared. I did read some of the emails and I did see the interview with his business partner. Did you?

I don't even like Trump. But he's a much better choice based on my beliefs and values than any of the dems at this time.
Which means you have no principles just like your party
He's not cleared of shit. He hasn't been charged, that's a long way from being cleared. I did read some of the emails and I did see the interview with his business partner. Did you?

I don't even like Trump. But he's a much better choice based on my beliefs and values than any of the dems at this time.
I read an email that says you charge your fat sickly wife rent?
Whatever you say professor. Privilege isn't the same as criminality. I can have my rich daddy groom me for business, etc. It's not the same as going to a foreign country and selling your dad the president or vp's ear to an oil company.
lol this troll is pretending like the year that this oil company (that is located in a foreign nation that is our ally) hired Hunter just happens to be the same one that the Russian military started their attack on our nation. A job that he got paid a yearly salary about the same as what Trump Jr was getting for doing a couple hate rallies while his daddy was POTUS.

I do not think it is a coincidence that these propaganda trolls are trying to make this smear to deflect from the very real crimes that Trump and his criminal syndicate was perpetrating with the Russian military at the same time. It was always their intention to use anything they could to troll the Democratic nominee.

And again, none of this has anything to do with Joe Biden, who is the one that is actually in office, and who is also not appointing his kid to do things like negotiate a middle east peace agreement or all the other things that Trump stupidly put his brood in charge of.
First off, specifically, what panels are you talking about? What exactly is a "republican panel". If you're talking a congressional or senatorial committee holding hearings, they're bipartisan with whoever controls congress or senate being the chair. Furthermore, "panels" don't charge criminals with the exception of perhaps lying to congress. That would fall under a federal or state prosecutor typically.

Do you believe the emails are fake? The laptop not real? The business partner to be a liar?
First off, specifically, what panels are you talking about? What exactly is a "republican panel". If you're talking a congressional or senatorial committee holding hearings, they're bipartisan with whoever controls congress or senate being the chair. Furthermore, "panels" don't charge criminals with the exception of perhaps lying to congress. That would fall under a federal or state prosecutor typically.

Do you believe the emails are fake? The laptop not real? The business partner to be a liar?
If Hannity says it it's bullshit :twisted:
First off, specifically, what panels are you talking about? What exactly is a "republican panel". If you're talking a congressional or senatorial committee holding hearings, they're bipartisan with whoever controls congress or senate being the chair. Furthermore, "panels" don't charge criminals with the exception of perhaps lying to congress. That would fall under a federal or state prosecutor typically.

Do you believe the emails are fake? The laptop not real? The business partner to be a liar?
The emails oh no
That's the report on election interference. While there may be some material about Hunter in there, he's not the focus of that.

All I needed was to see the pictures of the crackhead and those emails to know what he's about. But the business partner cemented my opinion...

oh you want that one too.....

here is the final out the area where it says he was a protectee of the Secret Service for that time too......

section VII
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