So no facts just conspiracy theoriesI don't know. He traveled on AF1 to ChYna with VP Joe and got some great deal at alibaba I heard.
They pay the largest dollar amount as a percentage of taxes paid by a wide margin.
You're a homosexual?I'll save it so you can lick it off.
SPEAKING of incoherent….Vindman good Ukrainian commie. You know he is the son of a Russian Mossad agent right? His family moved to the Ukraine from Israel when he was a boy. Mother Russia is their roots.
Pretty certain English isn’t your first - or even second - language…based on your displayed “mastery”I may, do you? You Vindman is a traitor the tor the State but also a lacky. And you need your vison checked.
View attachment 5014728
…to “incoherent”, add *imbecile*Well if you think Vindman is a hero to Americas, Hunter is a God.
you sound totally like an American by the way. what side of wrong tracks you on are?You Vindman is a traitor the tor the State but also a lacky. And you need your vison checked
Welcome new member comrade. What part of Russia are you from? Are you looking for a Western man for husband?One word for you: BENGHAZI
There's your Clinton
I can only imagine that the sound of sheep incessantly BAAAAA-BAAAAA-ing is simple white noise to people who are so willing to swallow bullshit rhetoric, as long as CNN is the spoon ladling the steamy pile of lies in the gaping mouths of sheeple.
• Look at the Southern Border
• He can't remember the lies he's told, can't formulate full sentences. He changes his stances like he changes his diapers.
• Really believes that people chant, "Let's Go, Brandon".
• He hates you. He hates me. He hates that America is free. He wants your weapons. He wants your submission.
• He is completely mentally incompetent, and in poor health. The "people" who installed him (he was not the true winner) could care less about him. And THEY hate you more than him.
I believe that is why this vaccine mandate shit is getting pushed onto the world in such ferocious ways. And hell, let's be honest, a mandate is NOT a law, in any way. I believe this is all about control over the people, forcing vaccines, despite the "my body, my choice" freedoms it violates. I believe they have put God knows what in there to mess with the population on genetic levels; their goal has always been population decreases and total control. Its freaking scary as hell, the crap going on behind the scenes, and behind the curtain.
Welcome back, bitch-boy.I can only imagine that the sound of sheep incessantly BAAAAA-BAAAAA-ing is simple white noise to people who are so willing to swallow bullshit rhetoric, as long as CNN is the spoon ladling the steamy pile of lies in the gaping mouths of sheeple.
• Look at the Southern Border
• He can't remember the lies he's told, can't formulate full sentences. He changes his stances like he changes his diapers.
• Really believes that people chant, "Let's Go, Brandon".
• He hates you. He hates me. He hates that America is free. He wants your weapons. He wants your submission.
• He is completely mentally incompetent, and in poor health. The "people" who installed him (he was not the true winner) could care less about him. And THEY hate you more than him.
I believe that is why this vaccine mandate shit is getting pushed onto the world in such ferocious ways. And hell, let's be honest, a mandate is NOT a law, in any way. I believe this is all about control over the people, forcing vaccines, despite the "my body, my choice" freedoms it violates. I believe they have put God knows what in there to mess with the population on genetic levels; their goal has always been population decreases and total control. Its freaking scary as hell, the crap going on behind the scenes, and behind the curtain.
wow, you are completely and totally a fucking trump puppet...has he gotten his hand up your ass to the elbow yet? what's scary as hell is that there are more people than you stupid enough to believe any of the pile of horse shit you just regurgitated...and you stink of dirty sock...I can only imagine that the sound of sheep incessantly BAAAAA-BAAAAA-ing is simple white noise to people who are so willing to swallow bullshit rhetoric, as long as CNN is the spoon ladling the steamy pile of lies in the gaping mouths of sheeple.
• Look at the Southern Border
• He can't remember the lies he's told, can't formulate full sentences. He changes his stances like he changes his diapers.
• Really believes that people chant, "Let's Go, Brandon".
• He hates you. He hates me. He hates that America is free. He wants your weapons. He wants your submission.
• He is completely mentally incompetent, and in poor health. The "people" who installed him (he was not the true winner) could care less about him. And THEY hate you more than him.
I believe that is why this vaccine mandate shit is getting pushed onto the world in such ferocious ways. And hell, let's be honest, a mandate is NOT a law, in any way. I believe this is all about control over the people, forcing vaccines, despite the "my body, my choice" freedoms it violates. I believe they have put God knows what in there to mess with the population on genetic levels; their goal has always been population decreases and total control. Its freaking scary as hell, the crap going on behind the scenes, and behind the curtain.
i'd reply with trumps "signature" fuck up...but there are just SO MANY i can't pick one that stands out...oh...btw, hillary was cleared of any wrong doing in that terrorist NINE separate investigations...but of course, you know that if you were the one investigating it, you'd get to the bottom of fucking moronOne word for you: BENGHAZI
There's your Clinton
Do you see who we have as the BLM director now? A past tree spiker terrorist.Gohmert is so stupid he asked the forest service and bureau of land management if we could change the orbits of the earth and moon to combat climate change. So you maybe shouldn’t listen to a person that isn’t capable of doing some really basic math problems on their own before displaying their stupidity in public on public record.
And this effects you howDo you see who we have as the BLM director now? A past tree spiker terrorist.
What's racist about it? She is an eco terrorist.And this effects you how
Or are you just spitballing racial hatred again?