this is kinda what im thinking.....its growing on the buds then growing like crazy during the drying process. gotta find a way arounf that humidity or find a leak....If the buds were not rotten when harvested it's possible that the buds were in too high of humidity after harvest during the drying period and developed mold at that time. I've seen those strands before from someone that put their weed into bags before it was dry all the way. The reason I say it could have occurred during the drying process is because you will definitely notice bud rot when you harvest the plants. It's unmistakable.
Well in the 4x4 drying room there is a 400+ cfm exhaust and 2 oscillating fans. 4 lbs split up on 3 drying racks with 9 layers each in thin layers.
What are everyone's thoughts on the co2 generator and sealing the room with no to minimal exhaust. This should be easier to contain the humidity than trying to dehumidify 80% humidity in the intake air for the building?
No not dirty racks necessarily. Just wasnt prevalent enough to see at harvest.It's weird, you cant see any on the plant before they're harvested but once u set them in the drying racks they start showing that stuff. The driving room is a 4x4 with a 400cfm fan on high and 2 oscillating fans. Its smokable in about 3-4 days. And it's not too much on a rack either. 20 buds were torn apart befor harvest and showed none of that. Maybe it's possible the racks didnt get sanitized properly and it spread from the racks.