Is botrytis curable?

If it gets too bad it will look like this,


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Well the room does smell wet like mildew. What's the most powerful fungicide you can think of that the mother can be treated with in coco. And is there anything systemic? Is there anything maybe not systemic that can be used in a flood and drain system?

No mildew has been observed on the leaf's. It looks like its only the buds effected
Once you fix your problem Sdk, you wont have to worry about the mother. Get everything cleaned up and get that RH down and she will be fine. If it smells like wet towels then its prolly higher then 65% towards the floor. Either way , you will be ok with the mama long as you clean everything around her up. Its not a disease , its just a strain of mold or fungus. It wont live in the plant , just on it.
If you were running 200gallons in flood and drain with hydroton what would you use as a protector to keep these pathogens from spreading in the resivores. I think he just uses cns17 and calmag. He dont use any protective agents
Its just like any other mold, the spores can live anywhere incl;uding your tools but they are easily wiped down. I'm willing to bet money if the problem plants are removed and the room is cleaned up by hand , then you will not spread anything. Put a good fan on the mother , mold cannot grow with a fan blasting it. Hand dry everything if you dont have a dehumidifier. then use any mix to hand clean everything you can touch. (vinagar , ammonia, any old pinesol or mr clean or all purpose cleaner.
I heard that mold does not like high ph. He has ozone generators at hand. And he was thinking about mixing up some ph up "potassium hydroxide" and spraying the entire room down with it? He does have alot of fans. I'm just wondering if maybe he didnt clean his drying rack and drying room if they just spread from there? He didnt see any of that mold on the growing plants
I don't know of any fungicides that are safe to use on cannabis. I honestly would steer clear of chemicals and focus on cultural practices. Who knows what is in those chemicals and if you ingest them.
In case you wanted to know, here is a link to a thread describing the details of his room.

Your right , the mold cant handle high or low ph. Thats one reason i keep vinagar around. (its very dangerous around plants) I personally would not waste that much chemical when anything will work. If you can spray it , thwn its dead but with regular mold , them spores are kinda tough and very easily spread BUT it also just as easy to cut the food source of the mold. (water)
If you still have 200 galloons running during this then its kinda outta my league. ima soil guy. I cant see the spores living in the water itself , so just clean an dry. then dry again. I would hand scrub the reservoirs because the bad bacteria is hard to just spray off. You need to actually wipe it down. Use peroxide for the resi's. and any chem for the room itself.
his dehumidifiers are not working correctly. There is no way that all them cant get the room to a lower RH. The room is huge , i understand that but 4 dehums should easily do it. Zoom in on the coils of them an see if they aint freezing up or just clogged. That smell cant live in under 50%. Right behind the filters on the dehumidifiers , you will see the coils....prolly frozen. or the filters themselves clogged up real bad.
even with only 80 pint , 4 of them should do it , no problem. something aint right. each one of them should pull abuot 5-10 gallons a day outta the air. His air cant be that wet.....
I wonder if not having the 5 8x4 covers on top the hydroton is just wicking it into the air when the fans hit it. Them dehus are removing every bit of 5 gallons a day. I think the air outside his building is around 80% so when exhausting the air from the room its pulling 80% into the building from outside causing the humidity to remain high in the 50s. Sometimes in the 60s.

He was thinking about sealing it and having very very minimal exhaust and using a co2 generator.
If the buds were not rotten when harvested it's possible that the buds were in too high of humidity after harvest during the drying period and developed mold at that time. I've seen those strands before from someone that put their weed into bags before it was dry all the way. The reason I say it could have occurred during the drying process is because you will definitely notice bud rot when you harvest the plants. It's unmistakable.
i was going to mention covering the tables/hydroton but then i assume the stale air under the plastic might be an issue while the spores are still active. I say try that and see what it does to RH.....if its a big help then you can maually check and clean the tables.....maybe even provide them their own fans and venting......
If the buds were not rotten when harvested it's possible that the buds were in too high of humidity after harvest during the drying period and developed mold at that time. I've seen those strands before from someone that put their weed into bags before it was dry all the way. The reason I say it could have occurred during the drying process is because you will definitely notice bud rot when you harvest the plants. It's unmistakable.
this is kinda what im thinking.....its growing on the buds then growing like crazy during the drying process. gotta find a way arounf that humidity or find a leak....
Well in the 4x4 drying room there is a 400+ cfm exhaust and 2 oscillating fans. 4 lbs split up on 3 drying racks with 9 layers each in thin layers.

What are everyone's thoughts on the co2 generator and sealing the room with no to minimal exhaust. This should be easier to maintain the humidity than trying to dehumidify 80% humidity in the intake air for the building?
Well in the 4x4 drying room there is a 400+ cfm exhaust and 2 oscillating fans. 4 lbs split up on 3 drying racks with 9 layers each in thin layers.

What are everyone's thoughts on the co2 generator and sealing the room with no to minimal exhaust. This should be easier to contain the humidity than trying to dehumidify 80% humidity in the intake air for the building?

4 lbs of wet weed drying in a 4 x 4 could easily create the environment for mold or other nasty things to grow even with a 400 cfm exhaust fan. Where is the intake air coming from and what is the humidity from there? You could just be pulling wet air through a wet area. The oscillating fans do nothing to lower the humidity.
It's weird, you cant see any on the plant before they're harvested but once u set them in the drying racks they start showing that stuff. The driving room is a 4x4 with a 400cfm fan on high and 2 oscillating fans. Its smokable in about 3-4 days. And it's not too much on a rack either. 20 buds were torn apart befor harvest and showed none of that. Maybe it's possible the racks didnt get sanitized properly and it spread from the racks.
No not dirty racks necessarily. Just wasnt prevalent enough to see at harvest.
When i harvest my full term in late October early November, I expect bud rot to some degree.
I chop and inspect and cut out any thing I See. I remove 3 nodes below the mushy rotten bud.
Then when im hanging the braches I big leaf before and get a second look for bud rot.
If I miss any of it, it was not bad enough for me to notice in my 2 checks, ill see it appear in the first 2 days of drying. And get it out of the room.
Trifecta crop control works amazingly well at controlling botrytis in my full term. (48 huge trees per garden). Ive never had good results with BT products for the caterpillars that start the bud rot cycle.