Well-Known Member
I am literally now transitioning feed charts b/c I am now trying to pursue High Brix in hydro and because of that I jacked up my Ca and K while reducing my N, but here are both my feed charts. The first I had fantastic results with save for very minor Ca spotting and a tad bit of K def in low RH.what are your target ppm's for veg and late bloom? i saw your mid blooms. is that from end of stretch to last few weeks?
The blank spaces represent the same number as previous. All my targets returned perfectly except Sulfur. Perhaps I aimed too high for it. For reference, GH targets S to around 50ppm, Jack's 321 gets it to 100.
Here is the first revision in pursuit of high brix. I got a refractometer, but I am also now using a special PH meter to test the PH of leaf sap. Allegedly grape farmers do this to analyze their soil to make better choices with future crops. They also use other much more expensive meters, but I grabbed the PH one for 125.
Here is the targets for leaf sap PH.
If you would like to make any critiques to my high brix targets, I'd love to hear them. My leaf sap tested out to 6.1 PH. If the chart holds true, I need to get it to 6.4 and the only way to do that is to get all my macros and secondaries balanced just so that would produce a plant that would retain higher sugars in the cells.