Is Chlorine the same as Chloride????


Active Member
I know that we must let sit our tap water for 24 hours for the Chlorine to evaporate or something. I was thinking that I might use Spring Water from a supermarket for a change. In the composition is says it contains Chloride: is it the same. Is Chloride also a culprit?



Active Member
a quick google search reveals :


( 1 ) Chlorine is a diatomic gas , Cl2. It is very irritating and quite toxic.

( 2 ) Chloride is an negative ion, Cl with a - charge. Salt, NaCl , dissolved in water
puts chloride ions and sodium ions in the water.

im sure that the water doesn't have enough in it to affect the plant although im not 100% on that. Can you find water without chemicals in it?

This might be the chloride in your water

  • Sodium chloride (table salt).Adding this to the soil around a plant changes the osmotic potential of the soil around the plant (as well as the pH), preventing the plant from being able to absorb water


Active Member
a quick google search reveals :


( 1 ) Chlorine is a diatomic gas , Cl2. It is very irritating and quite toxic.

( 2 ) Chloride is an negative ion, Cl with a - charge. Salt, NaCl , dissolved in water
puts chloride ions and sodium ions in the water.

im sure that the water doesn't have enough in it to affect the plant although im not 100% on that. Can you find water without chemicals in it?

This might be the chloride in your water

  • Sodium chloride (table salt).Adding this to the soil around a plant changes the osmotic potential of the soil around the plant (as well as the pH), preventing the plant from being able to absorb water
Thanks. I did the Google search as well, prior to this thread; however, I had no clue what all that chemical stuff meant, and still don't.

Well, actually I don't mind the chemicals in it. Every mineral water has a certain composition. I like this Spring Water because it's quite high in Calcium and Magnesium, but I wasn't sure about the Chloride whether it's the same as Chlorine and can damage my plant. Note: Today is my 1st using, up till now I was using city water.


Well-Known Member
Chlorine is an element whereas chloride is an ion.

Chloride will not evaporate out of the water. It's half of table salt!

sativa indica pits

Active Member
a quick google search reveals :


( 1 ) Chlorine is a diatomic gas , Cl2. It is very irritating and quite toxic.

( 2 ) Chloride is an negative ion, Cl with a - charge. Salt, NaCl , dissolved in water
puts chloride ions and sodium ions in the water.

im sure that the water doesn't have enough in it to affect the plant although im not 100% on that. Can you find water without chemicals in it?

This might be the chloride in your water

  • Sodium chloride (table salt).Adding this to the soil around a plant changes the osmotic potential of the soil around the plant (as well as the pH), preventing the plant from being able to absorb water
so say if one of your "friends" rips you off and you know it was him for 100%..... you could dump some salt around his plants?? got my blood boiling now lol!!


New Member
city water? I used it once when I ran out of spring/rain water and wacked my ph all to fuk. damn city water is sooo gross!!

Not all city water will be bad for your plants. Just need to check the annual reports from your city. I luckly live in a place were we have really clean water and i use nothing put tap water nowadays


Ursus marijanus
Cannabis considers sodium and chloride to be toxic, but not hugely so. There is enough trace chloride in all fertilizers/nutrients. 100 ppm chloride would be a problem; 1-2ppm not.
"Chlorine" in water usually means oxidizing chlorine, such as hypochlorite or chloramines. These can be knocked down to much less toxic chloride by the use of the usual dechlorinating drops, which are thiosulfate.